III ■ Castle Aethelwulf

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I snuggled in closer to the warmth that had enveloped me, my wolf purring in content. For the first time in my life, I actually felt a sense of protection, but for the life of me, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

"Did you have a nice nap?"

Shit-- there was definitely something wrong.

Holding my breath, I quickly closed my horrified eyes and pretended to still be asleep. I could feel my cheeks blazing with embarrassment as I realized I had been sleeping tucked against the King's chest, but after so many years, how could I so easily betray Freddy?

"I know you're awake, Alexis. I can hear the changes in your breathing."

My eyes snapped open and immediately I sat up, trying to put some distance between myself and the large man sitting next to me. A lump formed in my throat as I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye. It should be a sin, for one man to be so devastatingly handsome, I mused.

"I thought maybe we could spend the rest of the drive getting to know one another," he explained as he casually glanced my way.

An ugly snicker tumbled from my lips and I quickly turned away from him. As soon as an opportunity presented itself, I was out of here. My number one priority would always be to find my way back to Freddy. So why on earth would I bother wasting any of my time getting to know him? I just needed to be patient as I plotted my grand escape.

"Fine. I guess I'll start," he huffed in annoyance, running a hand roughly through his hair. His now tousled locks only helped him look more sexy.

"My name is Gabriel Aethelwulf," he announced. "And as you might have already guessed--" he threw a wink in my direction before going on, "--I am King of the wolves."

I watched as his chest puffed out with pride, my eyes rolling slightly in disgust. If I thought power had radiated off of the Alpha from before, then Gabriel must have been the very embodiment of the word.

"Now, it's your turn."

My eyes narrowed slightly before returning to stare out the window. I wasn't a child, and if he thought this was going to be easy, that I would just bow down and submit-- boy, did his royal ass have another thing coming.

A low rumble tore through the back of the SUV in warning, the King stiffening beside me as he growled my name.


A shiver shot up my spine as his fingers curled around the back of my neck.

"The choice to answer me is yours," he warned. "But I promise one way or another, I will get my answers."

His eyes darkened, just like they had in the prison cell as he forced my gaze to meet his. That alone should have told me this man was dangerous, that this man was someone not to be trifled with-- but then again, so was I.

"Bite me," I snarled.

Pushing back against the hand that was against my head, I forcefully shoved at his chest as I tried to get away. Just as I reeled my fist back, he released me. Unfortunately, instead of connecting with his nose, my knuckles pounded into his palm.

"Alexis!" He growled in warning before roughly releasing my hand.

"It seems to me like you already know my name," I hissed. "So what more could you possibly want?"

I watched as he sunk back into his seat, his massive arms settling across his chest. Taking a few deep breaths, the King composed himself before answering me.

"You're my mate," he explained. "And eventually I'd like to know everything about you," he shrugged. "Tell me," an amused look played on his face, "are all humans so rude?"

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