XXI ■ New Reality

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Four months later--

My fist curled around the vial before placing it back inside the wooden box that had once belonged to my mother. For months now, I had made good on my promise. I hadn't taken the cure and truth be told, I wasn't sure when I would.

"I really don't understand what you're waiting for."

My heart threatened to burst out the cavity of my chest as I spun around. You would think my wolf could have warned me when someone was sneaking up on me. Yet another reminder that she was useless.

Turning around, I was always surprised when I looked into the eyes of a younger, prettier Wilhelmina. Even the pitch of her voice was practically the same. Unlike her Aunt's wild curls though, Sabrina's black locks flowed smoothly down the middle of her back.

"He just wouldn't understand," I replied solemnly with a shake of my head.

"So what?" The Royal Witch shrugged. "Who cares what Jack thinks. Do you even want to be Queen?"

Sighing heavily, I grabbed the tequila bottle off of the top of my dresser before flopping down on the edge of the bed. I took a good long swig before offering some to the only friend I had in this hemisphere. Besides Jack of course-- if you could even call him that. A lot had changed since the last time I had seen him, particularly his disgust for humans. The Sothern Alpha King was so totally opposed to the idea of my becoming one, that in three days time, he planned to publicly display his disapproval by forcing me into a royal coronation.

"I'm not even his mate, Bree!"

Nodding her head in understanding, the younger witch sat down next to me before taking the alcohol into her own hands. A moment later, her face soured as she pulled the bottle away from her lips.

"Sweet Mother of the Earth, how much did you put in here?" Sabrina raised her eyebrow at me before sniffing the opening.

"All of it?" I replied sheepishly.

I should have warned her about the shit-ton of wolfsbane I had laced with the liquor. But instead, I gazed shamefully down at my hands, giving a slight shake of my head. It was hard to believe that just a few months ago, they had turned into huge, ugly claws.

"She's dying to get out." I mumbled outloud. "She blames me for Gabriel releasing us, and If she gets out-- she won't let me come back."

"All the more reason for you to take it then. Don'tcha think?"

With another frustrated sigh, I laid my head down on Bree's shoulder. She had been a good friend, supplying me with the precious herb I needed to subdue my wolf and lending a good ear when I needed it most. Willie's neice and I had even concluded that if I just took the potion, the entire war could be avoided. Without an heir to either throne, both Kings' rule would eventually dissipate. If only I could get Jackson to see reason, or even acknowledge the fact that a war was coming.

"You better get going." Sabrina nodded towards the front of my cottage while she continued to pat my back. "The furry dictator has summoned you."

"And how could you possibly know that?" I snorted before snatching the bottle of tequila back from her. "I swear sometimes you're more of a wolf than I am."

Rolling her eyes, Sabrina pointed out the window. "It doesn't take a werewolf to see the smoke signals," she joked. "But perhaps a genius?"

Sure enough, as I followed her outstretched hand, I could see the thick purple smoke curling up from the chimney. Groaning, I stood up and quickly pulled on my shoes. Purple smoke could only mean one thing as it was the reserved color for the Alpha, Luna and--

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