13| Caramel Apples

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Eventually, Rhonda had to leave despite everyone's protest, but thankfully her family got to fill her in on everything as if she were really there

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Eventually, Rhonda had to leave despite everyone's protest, but thankfully her family got to fill her in on everything as if she were really there. Lamar seemed to take it the hardest and when he returned to the table he appeared more solemn. I really couldn't imagine being in his place, but I admire him even more. It was tough not only taking care of three children by himself, but also maintaining a marriage overseas. There need to be more men like Lamar.

Katy perked everyone up with her desserts and after we ate until we couldn't breathe we retired to the living room. Kellie served us some sort of punch that she made but I kindly declined too full to even drink something. Next to me, Katy took a cup happily sipping. She made a few weird faces but still continued to drink. After awhile Monica insisted that we all play board games so she busted out a whole slew of them and we decided which ones to try out. When she pulled out Pictionary Violet immediately went to my side.

"Gage is on my team. He's really good at drawing," she informed.

"Really?" Lamar pulled out the materials.

"Oh yeah. That's why he was so popular at the tattoo parlor."

It was as if someone had just pressed a pause button.

"In the what?" Kellie asked.

"The tattoo parlor," she answered but when nothing seemed to register with anybody she looked at me. "You didn't tell them that you worked at the tattoo parlor with Paxton?"

I could feel all sets of eyes on me now, especially Katy's. This wasn't awkward at all. I didn't know how to explain to Violet that there was a lot of things I haven't told them and even more things I plan on never telling them. But instead, I found a different excuse.

"I . . . guess I just didn't get around to it yet."

"That explains so much," Kellie snorted.

Pictionary lasted less than thirty minutes before everyone decided Violet and our team was at a disadvantage because of my artistic abilities. We went on to Monopoly but it started lasting too long so we tried out Life instead. By this point, Katy started to look a little droopy and I asked if everything was okay but she would just wave me off. It was when we got to Spoon that I was really growing concerned.

"Go fish!" she slammed her cards down making a little of her drink spill out from her cup.

Violet made a face. "I thought we were playing Spoons?"

"We are," I informed.

"Read it and weep suckers!" Katy pushed her cards towards the middle of the table then grabbed all the spoons. "I'll be taking these."

I eyed Katy warily, then her drink, and turned to Ellie. "What kind of drink did you two make?"

"Just fruit punch, I swear" she looked surprised.

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