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"Please Louis I'm begging you, don't mess this up." Niall said pleading to Louis

"Niall oh dear Niall, have I ever let you down?" Louis said smirking

"Yes plenty of times! That's why I'm begging you." Niall said rolling his eyes

Niall has set up everything for Harry's birthday party and Louis' job was to tell bring Harry without blurting out that Niall has thrown him a surprise party.

After an hour later everyone had arrived and were already dancing and drinking and having the best time but a few were asking where the birthday boy was.

Louis and Harry had arrived and Louis decided to blindfold Harry because if Harry saw that the both boys were at Niall's house, he's capable of jumping out of the moving car.

"Are we at a party?" Harry asked laughing while listening to the loud music coming from inside the big house

"Yes now get out of the car and try not to hurt that pretty face." Louis said opening the door

"Okay there's a step right there and keep walking, keep walking, walk faster, keep walking. Now there's three steps." Louis said giving Harry instructions

Niall was waiting outside for the two boys and stood up when he saw Harry and Louis getting closer.

"Now take off the blindfold." Louis said clapping

Harry smiled while taking off the blindfold but his smile soon faded when he saw Niall.

"Happy birthday! See, it's a surprise party! And also I'm sorry for being such a jerk before, I don't control you or anything and I'm sorry." Niall said sighing

Harry glared at Niall but ended up hugging him tightly.

"I'm sorry too for the way I acted, I just want to let you know that I'm not jealous and I totally understand that you want to catch up with Liam. But we're not that kind of mushy friends so we're cool?" Harry said giving Niall a fist bump

"We're cool." Niall said chuckling

"Anyway, thanks for throwing this huge surprise party. Seriously, I didn't see it coming." Harry said chuckling

"I helped!" Louis said smiling

The three boys headed inside and joined everyone else.

Little do they know what will change tonight.

a/n: I finally got my phone so that's why I haven't updated in like a month. I hope you guys didn't leave!

Again I'm sorry but I'm back!

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