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Niall was stressed out (don't comment tøp song!!)from looking at colleges. Niall wanted to make sure to pick out the right one and the only one that he kept looking at was Guildhall school of music and drama.

He didn't want to go to the college that he was planning on going with Harry. Harry didn't even go to that college and he was the one that wanted it more than anything.

Niall sighed and closed his laptop. He looked at the frame placed on his nightstand and grabbed it.

It was a picture of Harry and Niall when they decided to go to the pools that summer. Niall was on Harry's shoulders and sticking out his tongue for the picture.
Harry's hands were placed on Niall's thighs just for Niall's safety but even the littlest thing made Niall feel weird and different.

Niall doesn't know what's been going on lately with his feelings. He was so confused and he was tired of figuring it out.

Niall sighed and put on a hoodie and his shoes. He made sure to get his keys and locked his door.

"Hey Niall, going anywhere?" Harry asked coming out of his place also

Niall just noticed that they're right across from each other and Niall has been trying to avoid Harry from any awkward moments.

"I'm actually going to take a walk." Niall said slightly smiling

"Mind if I join?" Harry asked smiling making his dimples pop out

Niall wanted to say no but he couldn't bring himself to say it so he said yes.

"How was Ireland?" Harry asked once they started walking

"It was great, I missed it so it was nice to be there for awhile." Niall said putting his hands in his jean pockets

"How's Greg?" Harry asked chuckling

"Annoying as always. He told me that he misses you." Niall said looking at Harry

"I miss him too, he's like another brother." Harry said smirking

"Another?" Niall asked

"Never mind." Harry said giving Niall a sad smile

"Wait you have a brother now?" Niall asked

"What? Oh no my mum is done with that." Harry said laughing

Niall laughed along and soon it was like nothing ever happened between the two, like they were way before the big argument.

And both Niall and Harry were happy about it.

"It's getting quite cold, want hot chocolate? This place has the best." Harry said pointing to a small little shop

"Alright." Niall said nodding

When they entered a young girl ran up to Harry, "Harry please tell me you're here to work a night shift. I'm so tired!"

"Sorry Mindy I'm actually here to order two hot chocolates and those big yummy chocolate muffins." Harry said smiling

Mandy huffed but smiled anyway and went to go get the order.

"You work here?" Niall asked following Harry to sit in a booth

"Yes, not a heavy job. I don't know why Mindy is complaining." Harry said chuckling

"No wonder you took me here, you want me to love it as much as you do." Niall said giggling

"You know how I am." Harry said shrugging and smiled

"Two hot chocolate and a muffin." Mindy said coming over with a tray of their order

Once she left Harry slid the plate with the muffin on it towards Niall. Niall stared at the muffin and looked at Harry in confusion.

"I didn't order a muffin." Niall said

"I know but these are way better than any other muffin you've eaten. By the ways I make the muffins here." Harry said his smile never leaving

Niall grabbed the muffin and took a big bite out of it and washed it down with the hot chocolate. Niall moaned at how good everything was.
Harry went to take a small bite out of the muffin but Niall slapped his hand away.

"You can eat all the muffins you want, you make them! This one is mine." Niall said taking another bite

"I'll bake you as many muffins as you want then." Harry said chuckling

"Good. I expect dozens and dozens." Niall said

After Niall had finished eating his muffin they started talking about what has happened to them after graduation and were just catching up.

"Louis told me, but why didn't you go to Guildhall? Instead you went to HOA college." Niall asked

"Well we were planning on going to Guildhall since forever, and I know it's my dream college but my dream was to go to Guildhall with you. I didn't want to go without you." Harry said turning bright red

Niall smiled and nodded, "Well I'm looking for a college to apply to, what do you say if we make our dreams come true?" Niall said smirking

"But then we'd have to wait to see if we got in, and that takes awhile. And what if-" Harry said but Niall cut him off

"Harry you worry too much now. Relax, we'll hope for the best." Niall said placing his hand on top of Harry's

Harry smiled and gave a light squeeze to Niall's hand, "Okay, whatever you say." Harry said chuckling

a/n: so someone commented on the last chapter for me to post as much before I start school because updates will be slow

I was thinking that I should work on the chapters and keep them unpublished and post them one each day but idk if it'll go the way I want it to but I'll try. I don't even know how long this book will be or how it'll end 🤔

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