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It was two in the afternoon and Louis was still sleeping and Niall had planned to go with Harry and apply for Guildhall college.

Niall decided to just leave Louis sleeping leaving behind a small note and placing it on Louis' face.

Niall locked his door and knocked on Harry's door, minutes later Harry appeared with a folder and pen.

"Alright let's go." Harry said smiling

When they both entered the door of Guildhall, Harry couldn't contain the happiness inside him, "Oh my god I'm finally gonna live my dream and with you!" Harry said tugging on Niall's arm

Niall smiled at Harry's happiness and could only hope that they both get accepted in.

After an hour of paperwork, Niall and Harry had finally turned everything in and all there was left to do was wait for their confirmation letters in a week or so.

"What if just one of us gets in? Or what if we both don't get in? They just accept talented and amazing people, I don't think I'm that talented. I just started learning guitar two years ago while you were naturally born with this talent. I sing horribly and I don't even know if you sing but if you do I'm sure you sing like an angel and you're still better at singing than me even though I haven't heard you yet." Harry said rambling on

"Harry." Niall said trying to catch his attention

"What if they hate my voice? I'm no Beyoncé so what if they think I'm a dying whale? And what if-"

"Harry." Niall tried again

"Wait! Oh my god what if all this time I thought I played the guitar amazing but they're idea of amazing is like amazing amazing!" Harry continued to ramble not making any sense anymore

"Harry!" Niall yelled pulling on Harry's collar, just inches away from him

"Calm down, I think you're amazing and you need to stop stressing. Where did the Harry Styles that had so much confident in himself go?" Niall asked staring straight into Harry's eyes

"I-I don't know." Harry said losing himself into Niall's eyes

Niall let go of Harry and cleared his throat, "You did absolutely amazing. Don't punch yourself over this please?" Niall said patting Harry's shoulder

Harry took a deep breath and they continued to walk to their flat, "So, did you just play guitar to them?" Harry asked after a moment of silence

"Um, no. I actually sang too." Niall said turning bright red

"Wait. You can sing? First thing we're doing when we get back is you're going to sing and I'm going to listen." Harry said walking faster

Niall shook his head and ran ahead so he didn't have to sing in front of Harry. Niall thought he had lost Harry and when he turned around Harry was no where in sight.

Niall chuckled and turned back around only to bump into Harry.

"You can't escape me." Harry said smirking looking down at Niall

Niall mumbled something under his breath and pushed the elevator button, Harry following behind the small lad.

"Don't want you to run off again." Harry said grabbing Niall's hand

"I'm not a child." Niall said looking at Harry with a mad expression but it only made Harry coo at how cute Niall looked right now

"You're so cute." Harry said pinching Niall's cheek

Niall couldn't stay mad after what Harry told him and a blush appeared on Niall's cheeks. Niall didn't want Harry to see so he thought the best option was to hide his face on Harry's chest.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked still holding Niall's hand

"I like your shirt." Niall lied

Harry chuckled and the elevator soon opened.
Harry had a tight grasp on Niall's hand but Niall still tried to get away but made no progress.

When Harry felt Niall's hand starting to slip from his grasp, he intertwined their fingers together without thinking and was able to drag Niall into his place.

Niall looked down at their hands and got a weird feeling in his stomach. He liked holding hands with Harry, he doesn't know why nor why he's having these weird feelings. It's like his hand fits in perfectly with Harry's and it made him smile.

"If you want to sing while playing the guitar go ahead, but you're singing." Harry said letting go of Niall's hand

Niall sighed and walked over to the acoustic guitar and tuned it a bit before starting.

Niall took a deep breathe and began, "I can feel her breath as she's sleepin' next to me,
Sharing pillows and cold feet.
She can feel my heart, fell asleep to it's beat,
Under blankets and warm sheets.

If only I could be in that bed again...
If only it were me instead of him...

Does he watch your favorite movies?
Does he hold you when you cry?
Does he let you tell him all your favorite parts when you've seen it a million times?
Does he sing to all your music while you dance to "Purple Rain? "
Does he do all these things, like I used to?"

Niall decided to stop there and put away the guitar, he looked up to see Harry's expression and he saw that Harry's jaw was hung open.

"You're seriously an angel, I literally heard an angel right here right now. Heck, you even have the looks of an angel." Harry said smiling

Niall smiled and was glad that Harry's ears weren't bleeding.

a/n: new cover cause why not?

the song Niall sang was 'Like we used to' by A Rocket to the Moon

if anyone's wondering

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