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The cold air chilled the exposed skin on my arms as I walked through the darkened streets. I'd stayed back at the library to study for my English test tomorrow, but had missed the late bus, so I was forced to walk the nearly hour long walk home in the cold end of winter.

I had my earphones in, listening to my music on full blast, failing to realize I was being watched. I scowled as my legs ached, wishing my father wasn't so horrible.

My father had taken nearly everything 3 months ago when he left us to fend for ourselves, which included the car, so my mom couldn't even pick me up.

I continued to grumble to myself as I dawdled in the middle of the road. There were no cars out, which was nothing unusual in the sleepy little town. The wind blew harsh again my body, bringing a disgusting smell.

I paused as something fliterred in my peripheral vision. I pulled my right earbud out, listening for anything, as I spun in a slow circle, trying to figure out what i'd seen. Different stores lined each side of the street, a laundromat and a pharmacy, amongst other things. I was about to continue walking, feeling on edge, as I heard something that made my blood freeze.

A threatening growl from my left had me grounded in my spot. I slowly pulled me left earbud out, letting it dangle from my shirt. I clenched my eyes closed in fear as I turned to look at what I thought was a dog, gasping as I stared straight ahead at the biggest dog I had ever seen. I wasn't very tall to begin with, just brushing 5'3, this- this thing had to be atleast 4"5', with glowing orange eyes and charcoal fur.

I stepped back, my heart thumping in my ears, causing it to growl and snap it's teeth at me. I squeaked in fear, starting to hyperventilate.

"Back down mutt, she's mine!" A voice hissed from behind me. I whipped around to face the newcomer.

His face was shrouded in shadows, but he looked as if he was homeless, wearing dirty clothes and no shoes. But it was his eyes that made me step closer to the... wolf behind me. They were a mud red color, with the whites being gray.

The wolf howled, causing me to cover my ears. As the two glared at each other, I took the chance to back away.

As I finally got some distance between the wolf and the man, they both turned to look at me, before glancing at each other. In a blur, blinding pain erupted from my hip and neck, causing my legs to give out from beneath me. As I crumpled to the ground, my eyes fluttered closed, the world turning black.


My eyes slowled opened, the world spinning. I groaned, twisting my head to the right. My gaze landed on the man who was lying on the road near me. His eyes were open, but he was completely still, covered in black spidery veins, running all over his skin.

I wearily looked to my left where the wolf would've been, but in its place was a grown man, completely naked with the same spidery black veins as the other man.

Lethargy took over, and I slowly fell back onto the cold road, unconsciousness taking over.


I woke lying on something soft, pain radiating through my whole body, feeling disoriented. I clenched my eyes against the harsh lights, hearing voices around me.

"She's waking up!"

"Okay, I'm going to get the doctor, and some more pain relief."

I finally opened my eyes, blinking away the sleep. My mom sat next to me, leaning over the bed, with tears glistening in her eyes.

"Oh, my poor baby, how are you feeling?" She asked, smoothing back my dark hair.


"The doctor will be here soon." I stared up at the wrinkles in her face as she ran her hand down my arm, the feeling comforting.

I looked around the room, it was a normal hospital room. I had an IV drip in my arm, and the oxygen prongs up my nose.

The door opened and a man walked in, dressed in jeans and a pressed blue shirt. A stethoscope hang around his neck. There was something off about him. He had brown hair, with blue eyes, a sharp nose and high cheekbones, with thin square glasses perched on the bridge between his eyes. He looked skeletal, his skin pulled taut over his face. I pulled back, glancing at my mum, wary of the foreign man.

"My name is Doctor Provetra. Do you know where you are?" His voice sent shivers down my spine.

"The hospital." I answered quietly.

"Good, good. Can you tell me what happened?" I frowned, expecting him to ask me my name and birthday, common questions.

I looked towards my mom, unsure. She nodded and gave me a reassuring smile. So I started to tell him what happened, not leaving anything out.

When I was finished, I heard him inhale through his nose, giving me a sharp look. Everything began to slow, as I watched his eyes flash a bright red color, before vanishing before my eyes. I gasped and turned to my mom, who sat staring at me, completely oblivious.

"Can I please speak to you outside, Mrs Tenebris?"

I watched as my mom stood, following that man out into the hall.

My heart beat sped up the longer she was out there, my mind conjuring up images of what he could be doing to hear, until I heard her yelling.

"My daughter is not going crazy!"

I waited, my heart pounding in the silence.

"We are leaving. I am taking my daughter right now!"

My mother stormed into the room, slamming the door behind her.

"What's going on?" I asked as I sat up, my voice shaking.

"Nothing baby, it's time to go home, here, I brought some clothes, go get changed." She pulled the IV drip out of my arm, but I wasn't worried since she dealt with needles for a living.

After changing into the spare clothes, my mom ushered me out of the room as I limped, still in pain, looking behind us and speeding towards the elevator. The doors opened as we arrived and quickly stepped in.

I gasped as I looked up, seeing the doctor standing at the door to my room, staring after us, his eyes glowing like ruby's.

My mom continued to hazardously press the close button for the doors, sighing in relief as they finally did.

"Mom?" I started,"He was one of them."

I turned to her after she didn't respond, and found her staring blankly at the doors with a distant look in her eyes.

"I know baby, I know."

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