25.Love Triangle

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For the next week, Finian trained with the vampire Sentries, witch Guardians and the rest of the warriors from his and the royal pack.

As for me each day I'd go to the library and watch the glass map, as more and more orange dots disappeared. And each time I entered the opulent room my gaze would automatically find Alexeron's, where he would shake his head and look away. He still hadn't found the crown.

Tonight was the Anniversary Ball, which meant patrons had been arriving all week. All were checked with Cosima's powers to make sure none of The Immortal Faction had slipped through the walls of the estate. All of Orion's allies, including my sister were yet to decide on when to attack, which meant that they weren't going to tonight.

Celeste had given us the day off from the prophecy search as she tried desperately to keep her guests from finding out too much. Luckily for the pretty little maid next to me I'd scored her an invite, so she was free from her duties.

We'd snuck out through the garden to the landing strip and laid in the sun, the warmth making me drowsy.

"Do you know the origin of the supernaturals?" Maddy asked, her voice a low murmur. I yawned and turned my head to face her.

"You work for the royal's and you don't know our history?" She snickered and shook her head, not opening her eyes.

"Well the story goes that from the dawn of time, there were two primary species. Human and Witch. No one knew why some people ended up with magic and some didn't, to this day we still haven't figured it out. Anyway, it all started with a good old fashioned love triangle. Two mortal brothers and a female witch." Maddy rolled onto her stomach and propped her chin on her hands as I sat up, crossing my legs.

"So the witch loved both the brother's, but she kept each a secret from the other. Obviously they eventually found out, and were equally furious. They grew to despise each other, until it got to the point one of them proposed an idea. A fight to the death for the hand of the woman. It wasnt a very fair fight, for one was a hunter, strong and agile, skilled to kill game. While the other was a curious inventor, who liked to discover new things. The witch was forced to watch as the hunter tore apart his brother, and she realized what a monster he truly was. Just before he delivered the blow that would kill him, the nearly dead man managed to bite him. It did nothing to stop his brother from killing him. The witch was distraught and she certainly didn't love the monster who'd killed his own brother. So she did the only thing she could to save the man she truly loved. She resurrected him." Maddy gasped, her eyes wide. Necromancy was the worst crime a witch could commit, it was the darkest form of magic. Not even Estrianna tried to bring her children back from the dead. Being the worst, it was also the most difficult spell to perform. Except back then all magic was pure, it was original and complete, not diluted. I stood and held my hand out for the maid, deciding it was time to go get ready for the ball. I continued as we walked back through the garden.

"The witch knew that she couldn't be with either of the men, that it was too dangerous. If she was then the other would always try to interfere. So she made the ultimate sacrifice and wiped her and each other from their memories, and cast another spell. One that changed the brothers into different species to keep them away from each other. Finally, she banished them away, far enough that they wouldn't cross paths. The hunter to what is now Ireland, and the other to Romania. There was just one problem. When creating a brand new spell, there is usually loopholes. Because the witch saw the murderer as a monster, her spell manifested him into one. A werewolf that was forced to transform under a full moon. As for the other, because he had been killed with his brother's blood in his mouth from when he'd bitten him, then resurectted, he was an undead man with a thirst for blood." I watched Maddy's expression change as we navigated the halls to my room. She looked shocked as she thought, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Well then how did mates come about?" Her head titled up as she asked, confused. I opened the door to my room and sat down at the vanity.

"Years later, after the witch found someone else, she decided to see how the brothers were doing. Neither of them had fallen in love, and were completely alone. She took pity on them, and wallah! Mate spell." The red head murmured to herself as she produced two dresses from the closet and layed them on the bed. I watched her through the mirror, smiling lightly. She could be so weird sometimes.

"Well if the witch wiped each other from their memories why do vampires and werewolves hate each other?" I swiveled in my chair to face her as she leant against the bed, her frown still etched onto her face as her mouth pulled up on one side.

"Because it is quite simple to delete a person from someone's memory, but it's difficult to wipe away the emotions that was associated with said person. The brother's, even though they weren't aware of who the other was, still harbored the fury they had felt that separated them." Nodding in acknowledgement, she unzipped one of the protectors and pulled out her dress, brandishing the red cloth. It was straight, floor length and pooled slightly, with thin straps and a cowl neckline, the fabric bunched a few times. It had an old Hollywood glamour feel. I grinned and stood, clapping excitedly.

"You're gonna look so good!" She smiled self consciously, rubbing her hand lightly over the glossy satin. I stepped toward her and placed my hands on her face, turning her to face me. She looked up at me through her lashes, her large round amber eyes the epitome of innocence. It was so easy to forget that she was older than me, if only by two years.

I cupped her chin as her brows furrowed."Madeline, you're gorgeous with or without the dress. You need to stop doubting yourself." She rolled her eyes slightly, her mouth twisting in apprehension. "I can guarantee there'll be a certain pureblood that waling be able to keep his eyes off of you." I grinned as she blushed and pulled away, running her hands down her crinkled shirt.

"We need to get ready or we'll be late." I chuckled as she turned, avoiding what I'd said. She unzipped the other bag and pulled out my dress, causing me to grimace slightly. Where Maddy's was simple and gorgeous, mine was bold and big.

It was black, with a high neck choker that connected the two separate pieces of material that covered my breasts. A gap between them showed a little too much in my opinion, until it connected with the skirt half that flowed out just below my diaphragm. Layers and layers of fabric pooled out almost like a hoop skirt, that followed in a small train. It was completely backless, showing off my spine. I took in the ball gown, my stomach twirling nervously.

"Okay, let's do this."

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