Chapter 25

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"Draw your sword you arrogant prick!"

Jase raised his eyebrows as his eyes registered the flustered young prince wielding a metallic sword that was too long and too broad for his small stature.

"Nobody has ever beaten Chris in a fight! You must have cheated! I challenge you to a duel right here, right now!"

Cade took a step forward and nearly lost balance. The silver blade wavered precariously in the air as he struggled to grip onto the hilt, much like a dried up autumn branch striving to cling onto a wilting leaf.

Jase stared uncertainly at the child, mildly afraid that the boy was going to decapitate his own head. Looking around helplessly, Jase spotted Nathan approaching the practice grounds dressed in a gardener's attire.

Much to Jase's annoyance, Nathan had chosen to remain within the Belleranian castle walls instead of returning to Lisbeth or his home — Esyria. King Damian felt indebted to Nathan for bringing Catherine back safely and granted his modest request for food, lodging and a secure job as a palace gardener.

"Good morning, Your Highness." Nathan's cheerful voice warmed the late autumn air.

"Who are you?" Cade growled back, neither lowering his sword arm nor turning away from Jase.

"I too have some issues to settle with this arrogant prick," he said, gesturing to Jase. "Since I'm in a rush, do you mind if I deal with him first and you can finish where I left off?"

"I got here first!"

"Indeed," Nathan noted. He had encountered the boy's stubbornness numerous times during the diplomatic visits to Bellerania with his father. Interestingly, Nathan felt more at ease with his new, albeit fake, identity than with his borrowed title as Prince of Esyria.

"But your sister is looking for you and she won't be pleased to see you holding that sword and pointing it at her knight. You don't want her to interrupt your plans, would you? I'll tackle this arrogant prick first and you can come back later."

At the mention of his sister, Cade's eyes widened and he nodded in agreement. Clumsily shielding his sword, he threw Jase a defiant look and disappeared around the corner.

"You're going to tackle me?" Jase asked, casually leaning against the wooden fence that surrounded the outdoor practice grounds. The earth beneath him was damp with morning dew and littered with golden leafs that had fallen from glory.

"You still intend on going through with your plan don't you?"

"An eye for an eye."

"You know she will never forgive you."

Jase shrugged nonchalantly. He didn't expect her to. He didn't want her to.

"She would never recover from such a loss." Nathan tried once again to attack Jase's impassive stance. His voice held a hint of desperation.

But Jase shrugged again. "She'll manage"

Nathan laughed bitterly. "Did you?"

Jase had his back turned and was already walking away from Nathan.

Clenching his fist, Nathan battled with his conscience. He wanted to tell Jase the truth.

His own father, King Edward, was the one who ordered the death of Jase's parents. Greediness and jealousy drove him to kill his own brother and sister-in-law. Bellerania was innocent.

Nathan knew that if he didn't stop Jase, King Damian would be a victim. Catherine would be collateral damage. And Jase himself would be forever entombed within his self-constructed prison of guilt and regret.

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