Chapter 4

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Dedicated to SarahLaneyLong for the beautiful cover at the side! Thank you so much!


Prince Nathan scowled as his eyes registered Jase's relaxed posture and confident grin. The scowl had made his face less attractive than it already was. Sucking up to the knight commander again, thought Nathan as Jase gave Liam a playful slap on the back. How pathetic.

I defeated Liam, thought Jase happily. I defeated the strongest and most feared knight in Esyria. He repeated the thought until he was dizzy with satisfaction. It was a close fight, but in the end, he had emerged as the winner. It was as if the burden weighing down his heart had been lifted, well, partially at least. It will be completely lifted when his sword was stained red with the blood of King Damian and Queen Leila of Bellerania.

Jase stood with Liam at the back of the large crowd of mourners as they gathered in the royal cemetery for the candle light vigil in remembrance of the late king and queen of Esyria, his parents. He felt a pair of eyes glowering at him and caught his cousin, Nathan staring at him from his peripheral vision. Since young the boys never got along. His uncle Edward, the current King of Esyria, and his aunt spoiled Nathan rather too lavishly. His attitude had been steadily deteriorating since his parents' ascent to the throne.

Nathan was two years older than Jase but had the maturity of a five-year-old and the fighting skills of an infant. During training, much to Liam's distaste, the other boys were instructed to 'slow down' when they were sparring against the Prince. However, Jase ignored the command and Liam turned a blind eye.

"It was a good service was it not, dear cousin?" remarked Nathan casually as he made his way towards Jase.

"I wonder what he plans to gloat about this time," muttered Liam angrily. "What was it last time?"

"His new underwear," Jase muttered under his breath. Liam heard him and burst out laughing. Nathan gave Liam a look of disapproval which caused Liam to laugh harder and louder.

"Good service indeed, Nate," replied Jase ignoring his laughing friend. His expression was guarded and his voice monotonous. The brick walls Jase's built around himself stood erect.

"You forgot something cousin." When he remained silent, Nathan continued with an exaggerated sigh. "You will refer to me as Your highness Prince Nathan, just like everyone else. After all you are just a commoner," added Nathan while scanning Jase's training garments with a look of distaste.

"I'll try to keep that in mind, Nate," replied Jase with a grin, his voice thick with sarcasm.

"We will see who's grinning when I return with the beautiful princess of Bellerania as my bride!" hissed Nathan while he stomped his feet and turned to leave. However, His grand exit was ruined when he collided into the old queen.

"Grandmama, are you hurt?" asked Jase, his voice full of concern as he helped his grandmother to her feet.

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