Chapter 14: Meeting Charlie

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Narrator P.O.V

"How much longer?" Katnis asked.

"Five minutes." Edward says,"Ten at the most."

"Okay, that gives me enough time to ask a few questions."

Edward stiffened,"Like?"

"How tempting is my blood?"

Edward met her gaze for a few moments before glancing back at the road,"Why do you want to know that?"

"Well, if anything were to happen I would know how important it was not to be in the same room as you are. I could help out." she states.

Edward tightens his hands on the steering wheel, "I've never wanted a humans blood as much as I want yours." he states calmly but strained,"Your blood tempts me beyond comprehension. I find myself in a constant battle with myself and the monster that wants you to himself."

Katnis gazes at the side of his face. He looked like a man who was slowly being broken down and she didn't like it. She hated the thought of being the reason he didn't trust himself. So, taking a deep breath she reaches for his hand, once again, but this time she laced her fingers with his.

"Is that why you stayed away when we first met?"

He gazes down at their joined hands before nodding,"Yes, only because of how badly I wanted you." He meets her gaze,"I still don't know if I can control myself around you for long."

Katnis gently squeezed his hand,"I know you can." she states, "You have to give yourself more credit."

He shakes his head,"You have no idea how close I was, how close I still am, to giving in. I've never been this close to losing any and all control."

"Do you want to give in now? Do you want me now?"

He meets her gaze for a moment,"Are you afraid?"

She shakes her head,"No. Far from it."

He looks back at the road,"You should be."

Again she squeezes his hand,"Cullen, can I ask you a question?"

He nods,"Yes."

"Are we friends?"

"I don't thin-"

Katnis shakes her head,"No, I'm not doing that. I didn't ask what you think we should be or why you think we shouldn't be." she states,"Are we friends?"

He nods,"Yes. Katnis, we are friends."

"Then you should know that friends don't walk away from friends. They stand beside them through the easy and hard times."

He shakes his head,"I can't let you do that."

She then removes her hand from his and turns her body in her direction,"You can't LET me?" she questioned with an amused yet annoyed look on her face.

Pulling up behind Bella's truck, Edward shut off the engine and gave Katnis all of his attention,"I didn't mean it in a controlling way. I know you're going to do what ever you want -"

"You're right." she says.

"but I wish you didn't. I wish you'd realize how dangerous it is for you to be near me, to be this close to me." he gestured at the not so much space between them,"I could hurt you without even trying and that fact scares me."

"Do you not trust yourself?" she questioned him.

"Around you? No, I do not." he replied,"In the three months that you've been in Forks I've never had to...hunt so often as I have since my transformation."

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