Chapter 19

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Colton's POV

What the fuck just happened?

After the door slammed behind Ashlyn,I wanted to tell her to stop, but stop for what? What do I say to her? I sat there not saying anything, not doing anything. 

Apparently Alexis was cheating on me with Zach Richman.

No way would she, she wouldn't do that to me. Alexis wouldn't especially with that douche Zach. She just wouldn't do that to me.

But Ashlyn believes she is because she saw Alexis with Zach. I just...can't see Alexis doing that, hurting me.

What if Ashlyn is right though? What if she's telling the truth?

But how do I know, how do I know Ashlyn's not just making that up to break me and Alexis up?

This is stuffed up, this situation, what happened with Ashlyn and my hangover right now.

I don't know what to think, I don't know who to believe. 

Even though I know Alexis wouldn't do that to me, why do I have a feeling Ashlyn could be right about this?

I have to talk to Alexis. I can't see past this or move on from this. I have to ask her, I have to find out the truth. But Ashlyn told me to ask Zach. Why would I ask that asshole? He would make shit up! 

Running a hand through my hair, I sat up, but to only lay back down. my head was spinning and I felt like shit. After having a breather, I grabbed my shoes and put them on.

I had to talk to Alexis right now. But not before asking Zach first.

Time for a visit Richman.


"Why do you want to go Zach's? Is this about last night, because if you hit him, you know what will happen," Tyler said while driving. I told him to pick me up from Mia's since I had no way home.

"No, it's not about last night. Even though I should hit him, it's about something else. I need to ask him something." The way Zach touched Ashlyn like that, I wanted to hurt him. I don't what she sees in him, he's just a player who would hurt her.

"Ask him what?" Tyler asked me, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Just something. I'll tell you after, I just need to know something."

"Need to know what, Colton? tell me." 

I shook my head, "I'll tell you after. I need to know if it's true."

"What's true man, what the hell is going on?" 

I sighed, Tyler was never going to stop asking. Tyler looked at me confused and wanting to know.

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