10. It's A Rush

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Darien Grace

"If you don't let me go within the next ten seconds, I swear to fucking god you will wish that you never met me!" I shrieked, writhing around in the tweed prison the student-staling psychopath had trapped me in. Seriously, what kind of college student wears tweed? It was for librarians and spinsters and shit. Tweed was just so... stuffy and foreign.

"I already pray every day for that, Miss Grace," he chided, voice infuriatingly calm as he forced his way through the sea of people crowding DC.

"Great to know we're on the same page," I quipped, momentarily distracted by the definition obvious in his upper arm as he shifted my weight on his shoulder.

"Now, put me the fuck down or I will have your pompous british ass suspended for sexual assault and inappropriate relations with a student."

"You talk a big game, Darien Grace, but I am acting in your best interests. Your law enforcement officials are sure to see that. Also, it has come to my attention that you aren't on the best of terms with them, so they are most certainly to side in my favour."

"Careful, bud. You're nearing stalker status," I muttered, somehow noticing for the first time that my face was level with a particularly well shaped piece of anatomy. Stella literally shot her middle finger to the sky before stripping down to her morning glory. If I were a guy, my not-so-little friend would be standing at attention.

"Jesus fucking Christ," I groaned, forcefully squeezing my traitorous eyes closed. It didn't help—not one damn bit. I could still feel every muscle movement as he carried me through the crowd and the sheer knowledge that my face was dangling so close to his hot ass was burning me to the core. I was no where near steady when he finally replaced me on my feet on the sidewalk outside of the house.

"Come on, I'm taking you home," he grunted, refusing to look at me.

"What kind of girl do you take me for? You have to at least buy me dinner first," I coked one hand on my hip, gazing innocently up at him.

"Did he?"

"We'd only reached the first course when we were very rudely interrupted, actually."

He gaped at me for several moments before his jaw locked up, muscles ticking angrily at the corner, "Do not test me, Darien."

"Oh, but Sir, this is one test I know I'll pass with flying colors," I hummed, my lips curling further upward into a lazy, lopsided grin.

"Darien, enough!" He snapped, eyes locking with mine. All of the gold I knew to shine in their depths was eclipsed by his anger, shadows marring his strong features.

"No, you know what? You had no goddamn right to pull me out of there. You shouldn't even fucking be here!" I shoved him backward with as much force as I could manage. He took one slight step backward and I couldn't tell if I'd actually moved him, or if he had just been trying to humor me. Whatever the reason, it only intensified my anger. I couldn't help but step forward, pausing only after we were once again toe to toe, "News flash, bud, you're my age! You're a fucking student here so don't go and act all high and mighty on me. If you don't like what you see then too fucking bad."

"You may not see it this way right now, but I did you a favour. You wouldn't have been happy tomorrow morning if I'd have let you stay."

"Have you ever even had an orgasm? I would have been goddamn ecstatic! That's the whole fucking point," I growled, unconsciously studying the sinful curve of his mouth, my mind entertaining all of the delicious possibilities it promised.

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