12. Time Out

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"Stay, relax," I cooed, shimmying back off of his lap and crossing the room to fish in my dresser for a sports bra and cropped yogas, "I'll be back a little later and we can talk then."

"Don't you fucking dare leave me here, Darien Grace."

"I'd hoped that this night would turn out differently, but now I have to go and fit in a workout I was hoping to accomplish in a far more pleasurable way with less clothing. It doesn't matter though. A work out's a work out," I laughed, dry sarcasm dripping from my tone as I pulled on my Nikes, slipping into an old hoodie.

"Oh hey, mind giving me a lift?" I grinned, fishing the bikes keys out of his front pocket. One massive, viselike hand clasped around my wrist, digging painfully into the flesh. Forest eyes were blazing with barely contained rage.


"Too late, darling. I'll see you later, be good!" I cooed, pecking him on the cheek before wrenching my hand from his grip and sauntering out the door.

Darien Grace

"Nice bike," Jas shot me a knowing smirk, grey eyes mocking as they scanned the sleek machine.

"It is, isn't it?" I mused, cutting the engine before tucking the helmet under my arm, setting the wheel lock, and following her into the studio.

"I could swear that I've seen it somewhere before," she laughed, elbowing me in the ribs.

"You could say I have it on loan."

"What did you do? Knock the poor boy out? He babies that thing."

"Well, he's a bit tied up at the moment," I grinned, winking at her.

"Do I even want to know?"

"Oh, it's nothing you haven't seen before," I laughed, waving her off before settling the black foam mat down onto the floor. The yoga studio was a solid 102º and I was already sweating my ass off.

"That poor boy has no idea what he's gotten himself into, has he? Pitted against you, it's like he's just gotten off the boat," she laughed, tying her blonde hair back and out of her face. Her lean arms flexed with the action, well conditioned muscles moving beneath the surface of her skin. Jas and I were roughly the same size, but her muscle mass greatly outweighed mine. She preferred yoga, pilates, spin class and protein where I chose sex coupled with my small appetite. She moved into countless positions, stretching and extending her warming muscles, while I lounged on my elbows, sweating in the insufferable heat. Whoever had first thought it would be a good idea to do yoga in a sauna style studio had been absolutely mad. This shit sucked, but it was my best option at this point.

"Remind me again why I agreed to this? It's six in the fucking morning. I haven't even been to bed yet."

"Hot yoga is a mind over matter experience. You burn over 1500 calories and achieve mental solace... plus there's the added bonus of further flexibility." she laughed, waggling her eyebrows wickedly at me.

"Oh darlin', believe me. Flexibility isn't a problem; I could put Nastia Liukin to shame."

"And yet Steven went with Petre..." she laughed, a teasing grin curving her lips.

"Flexibility clearly wasn't lacking on my end. Actually, I think he was the one being a little too flexible."

"Okay, whatever," she laughed, rolling her eyes, lowering her voice as the room began to fill up, "So you and Professor McDreamy— explain."

"We didn't fuck if that's what you're after," I groaned, rubbing my temples as my abstinence headache made a reappearance. It had been a recurrent thing for the past week. Mumbling a slur of colorful expletives under my breath, I threw my head back down onto the mat, lying flat on my black and glaring up at the ceiling.

"Why the hell not?"

"That prick didn't have a fucking condom. What kind of self-respecting guy doesn't have a condom? Hell, what kind of guy shows up to a giant orgy without a fucking value pack? I mean sex is in the party's name!" Christ, my head was killing me. The more I thought about my lady boner killing morning the more I wanted to go back and punch that British tease in the dick. I needed a fucking kick boxing class, not this "yoga equals peace of mind" bullshit.

"So the fuck what? You have the Magnum value pack in your night stand?"

"They expired at the same time my relationship did," I growled, the entire topic shifting my mood from bad to worse.

"Aren't you on the pill?"

"No, that shit made me crazy, remember. Y'all were ready to ship me off to an asylum. Junior year, I threw what's-his-face's mattress off the balcony and into the pool because I thought he'd forgotten my birthday. Y'all and the rest of my 'surprise party' guests watched with us as it sank. Everyone—especially Caleb and John— was pissed."

"Holy shit," she laughed, flicking her ponytail back over her shoulder, "I completely forgot about that! You were grounded for like half of the year."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Good times." I waved her and the memory away as images of the failed events of this morning swam back into my mind, "Thank god I'm just not allergic to latex. Then, I'd be fucked. I'd have to sign up for a convent or some shit."

"You... in a convent... I'd pay money to see that."

"Shut up. I shouldn't be awake right now. I should be lying in a bliss induced coma with a naked man or three in bed with me."

Out of the corner of my eye I saw the girl next to me stiffen, her mouth settling into a disapproving sneer. She flipped her poorly dyed grey hair as she turned to gossip to her friend.

"Hey, grandma, it's a bitch thing to eavesdrop," I sneered, fixing her with a glare that sent even the University President running for cover.

"This is a place for zen and tranquility, you can go and discuss your 'life' in the playboy mansion somewhere else."

I swore, if I could have, I would have chopped her air-quote signing fingers off without hesitation. Fucking cunt. Instead though, I forced myself to take a deep breath before reapplying a wicked grin, "Awe, look at her, Jas, she's so cute! It's like she thinks I give a single fuck."

"Ren," Jas warned, her eyes darting anxiously around the room. People were beginning to stare.

"No. Fuck that. I'm horny and pissed off and it's all his goddamn fault."

"Okay well, take this time to forget about him or leave, buy a pack of rubbers and go do the deed."

"It's the principle of the thing, plus he's currently in time out."

"Time out?"

"You'll see, you'll see," I grumbled, waving her away as the instructor padded into the room and rang the gong.

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