44. Happy?

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"Ren Grace, you are absolutely insane!" Amara laughed as I grinned at her, whipping a flask out of my purse and taking a long swig before shrugging on my jacket and heading towards the door.

"The world would be boring without me," I assented, scooping Jas up out of her chair and hauling her towards the exit. Now, was the time for me to legally get fucked up and I was so beyond ready.

"Cheers to Twenty-One!" I whooped, downing more of the burning fireball in my flask. I couldn't count how many liquors I'd already mixed tonight but I didn't care. I was twenty-one.

Darien Grace

I could hear the heavy thud of the bass before we even stepped foot into the Delta Chi house. People were spilling out onto the lawn, yelling and laughing; most were completely cross-faded. Despite the heady chill of October in New York, no one seemed to care. Everywhere I looked, there was more skin than clothing and I couldn't help but wonder if Greg had put a notice about it on the flyers I'd seen all over campus for the past week. Delta Chi had to be the largest Frat on campus and accordingly occupied the largest house. He'd said something about it being a haunted house this year; there was a new theme for every level and it had sounded pretty cool so I'd okayed it.

The poor pledges were all in matching costume once again— sexy nurses— scarlet fishnets, heels and all. Those poor boys would never catch a break as long of Jef was VP. Greg wasn't big on the whole 'hazing' thing, but Jef and the rest of the guys were. Greg felt just as bad for them as I did, but he had been really upfront with the pledges about everything in the beginning. Even though hazing was more or less illegal, it still happened; it was a collegiate tradition. He told them all about the intensity of everything before hand and yet they'd still wanted to pledge. I couldn't decide if it was sickening or hysterical.

"Evening ladies," one of the more confident of the batch crooned, bowing low towards us. A group of girls that had been standing behind him shrieked as soon as he bent over. I knew then and there that I had no desire to find out what was beneath that skimpy white cotton dress.

"My god you make me envy the health care field," I gasped, fanning my nonexistent flush. He grinned back, completely unfazed. Well, at least he was confident enough to own his initiation. I liked him immediately.

"My name is Nurse Alston. I'll be administing your physical examination this evening." He was smooth, I'd give him that.

"Pass. I think I'll take my chances, darling," I grinned and he looked to Amara and Jas. Jas's expression mirrored my own and Amara was almost as red as his tights. Oh, was she in for a fun night.

"Can I at least get a name then?"

"If you don't know my name by now, then you're at the wrong school," I laughed, calling back to him over my shoulder. It seemed everyone at NYU knew of me, or had at least heard the rumors about the purple haired bitch with a knack for starting shit. Ren Grace was someone of legend— especially at the Delta Chi house.

The second we stepped foot in the house, I was scooped up into a bone crushing hug. "For fuck's sake Ren! If you'd kept us waiting any longer, we'd have run out of booze!" Greg laughed, his giddy face just inches from my own. His eyes were glazed and bloodshot. There was a trashcan set up in every room with filtration holes punched into the lid to let the smoke out. Everyone was tripping their balls off and I wanted nothing more than to join them.

Sucking in several deep lungfuls, I laughed, "Seb was being a bitch, but I'm here now!"

"Yup and that means.... three shots and a funnel for the Birthday Girl!" He tucked me under his arm and hauled me into the kitchen. He grabbed three different colored shots and set them out in front of me before reaching into the trough of ice and beer to get the funnel ready. I'd taken two of the shots before he turned back to me, apprehension dawning on his baby face.

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