Protect those you love

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April had arrived, and with it came cloudy weather and stormy days.

Albus sat in DADA taking notes with a quick-quotes quill, this chapter happened to be more about the dark curses, as to the steps you could take to defend yourself. Albus knew the Cruciatus curse's rage firsthand, and he hoped to never experience it again.
Albus had made up his mind about how he'd go about the prophecy. He couldn't do much to alter it, but he could let it play through enough to fix what he might have wronged.

"Albus? Al?" Scorpius whispered, snapping his fingers in front of Albus' face. "Class is over. You've been staring off into space for five minutes."

"Oh. Right." Albus muttered, grabbing his things and walking out of the class.

Scorpius ran to catch up.
"Is something wrong? You don't seem like well, you."

"No. There's nothing wrong with me." Albus snapped, sharply turning to avoid another incident.

Nothing's wrong with me, not yet. He thought bitterly to himself. He still didn't believe that he was going through with it. Protecting those he loved would be the hardest on them, but he hoped they'd understand. Because that's what you do for family right? Sacrifice your all for them?

Albus walked down to the Slytherin dorms, and locked the door. He knew it wasn't particularly allowed, but he needed the alone time, anything to get his mind off of the prophecy.
Scorpius would know how to distract you, Albus thought, sulking. After all, Scorpius was in this too.

Scorpius walked down the halls, slightly hurt by his boyfriend's moody behavior, but Scorpius couldn't let it get to him. That was just how Albus was under pressure. While lost in his train of thought, Scorpius had accidentally ran into Nyx.
"Hey, where's Albus? We need to hold a meeting stat."

"He's in the dorms or something. I wouldn't bother him, he's been off lately. He wouldn't even talk to me." Scorpius glanced at his feet, trying to hide that he was hurt.

"I'll talk to him. He's stressed, that's all. I mean, you know who, and whatnot- I'm pretty sure he feels like there's nowhere to go. He can't tell his father, I mean, we all know how that could turn out." Nyx patted Scorpius' shoulder, and left for the Slytherin dorms.

"So much for company," Scorpius muttered, heading for the court yard.


Albus lay in his bed, staring at the ceiling. The surface was cold cement, due to how old the castle was. The boy turned onto his side.

How am I going to explain what I need to do, to anyone? They'll think I'm betraying them, or worse. They might think I was never with them at all...
Albus sighed, this was never his intent. Maybe they'd understand if I wrote something? No, that wouldn't work either. This can be the only way. I can't get rid of three 'you know who's' on my own. I'm just not my dad.

Albus picked up his wand, and traced designs on his bed, letting his mind drift to a place that felt like home.


Scorpius had been in the courtyards studying for care of magical creatures, when Hagrid walked over.

"Hey there, Scorp. Yer lookin' a little down in the dumps, are yeh okay?"
The aged half giant sat down in the grass next to Scorpius, causing the ground to rumble slightly in his wake. It was a rare sunny day in April.

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