Chapter 18: Development Of a Friendship

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Chapter 18: Development of a Friendship


Vincent, oh Vincent. I've never met a man so fucked up in the head. It's absolutely ridiculous that he would go and create such a mess like this. Melanie and I are pregnant and she doesn't even know it. I mean, she probably knows I'm pregnant, but she doesn't know who the father is.

I feel sorry for Melanie, I really do. She's marrying a man who's already unfaithful before the marriage. It almost makes me want to cry, knowing that he did that to her. But, not only that, I was the woman he cheated on her with.

I was in the bathroom, trying to gain my composure from the news I heard earlier at dinner. I heard a faint clacking of heels as I exited the restroom. I looked up and was surprised to see Melanie.

She nearly collided with me but she quickly caught herself. I've never been this close to Melanie, but I have to say, she's very beautiful. Beautiful enough to be by Vincent's side as a queen, but probably better as a person to be with someone greater than him.

"Oh, my, I am so sorry, my apologies. Um, have you seen Vincent anywhere," she asked curiously.

"The Prince? Wasn't he at dinner with the rest," I replied. It may have been rude of me to answer with a question, but I had to know.

She rubbed her palm tiringly across her forehead and sighed. "I've been looking for him all this time, but I haven't been able to find him," she sighed.

"I'll help you look for him," I offered. Melanie immediately brightened up.

"Oh, thank you. I truly appreciate it," she said as she tugged me along by my wrist.

As we walked, there was complete silence, awkward silence, until Miss Melanie began to speak.

"Umm...I didn't catch your name back there...," she trailed off slowly.

"It's Folashadé," I answered politely.

"Folashaé," she attempted to repeat, but failed. She pronounced my name the same way King Mathias pronounced it that day I had gotten scolded for my outburst.

I laughed at the way she had said it. It was something about the way she pronounced my name that made it seem hilarious. "No, no, it's Fo-laa-sha-day," I corrected, slowly sounding out every syllable. "Or you can just call me Shadé. That would be better, right," I suggested.

"That would be better, Shadé," she laughed softly. "So, where are you from? You don't seem to have an English accent like the others. And your name... it's very unique," she said.

"Well, I was actually born in America and moved here to England when I was fifteen with my parents and older brother...," I trailed off slowly as tears began to build up in my eyes. Every time I brought up my brother, I couldn't help the hurtful feeling that always crept up inside of me. My parents were a different story, they had no reason to leave. They never even contacted us or informed us about leaving. But, my brother, he aspired in wanting to get us back to New York. However, it still hurt to think about him.

Melanie wrapped her arms around me and placed my head against her chest. "It's ok, Shadé. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to," she said softly, in a motherly tone.

But I wanted to talk about this. I've waited too long to talk to someone else about this, and now it hurts so bad to know that my parents didn't care about us.

"They abandoned us, my parents. They didn't leave a note nor a message. My brother was nineteen at the time, so he was old enough to get a job, working as the operator for the London Eye. He made just enough money to leave England and fly to New York. He told me through our letters that he'll get a job there, to save up money for my own plane ticket. And so, I was left alone in England; I had no job and no family, and eventually, the home my parents moved in was evicted."

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