Chapter 22: Second Appointment

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Chapter 22: Second Appointment


It's been almost a week since I've witnessed that horrid incident in Vincent's bathroom. I've felt nothing but pain and heartache. Pain because almost everyone around me has been treating me like shit and heartache because...well, because...I miss Vincent. It's one thing to avoid him and still see him around the castle, but it's another to know he's not there when I need him to be.

I know I sound like a selfish, whiny child, but I want him back. I want to see him so bad that I've contemplated numerous times on asking Troy to take me to the hospital.

I already know that he's ok now, but he isn't here. He isn't home, where I can see him every day. He isn't home, where I can try my hardest to ignore him while he tries to get my attention. He isn't home, where he can protect me. I took his affection for granted, and I guess this heart-wrenching feeling I have in my chest is my punishment for doing so.

I thought about what happened a few days earlier. Prince Rodney and Lady Melanie. I know something is going on between those two. If my assumptions were correct, then Rodney didn't deserve the title of a Prince and Melanie doesn't deserve the title of a Lady. What she may be doing is disgusting. She's having Vincent's baby, but yet, she's, allegedly, sleeping with his brother. I don't know why, but it's angering me to even think that she could hurt Vincent that way. He isn't perfect, but he's definitely a better person than those two.

A knock came at my door, pulling me out of my frustrated emotions. I heard the door lightly creak open. I didn't bother looking up to see who it was, knowing that Aimee was the only one to knock and then open the door without a second thought.

"Shade," Aimee said in a cautious voice as she entered my room. We haven't spoken to one another since the night of Vincent's incident. It's not like Aimee was one of the servants bullying me, she just stayed away from me for a while. I missed her too, but my misery without her couldn't amount to how I feel without Vincent.

"Yes," I said soberly, staring blankly at my small gut. I could feel myself growing. It's become a habit to rub my stomach twenty times in an hour.

"You know you have an appointment today, right," she asked, stepping into the room.

I finally looked up at her to find that she was fully dressed and that Frank was also standing at the threshold of the door. "No, I forgot," I said as I rose from my bed. I really did forget about my appointment. Dammit, this man has me forgetting important things as well. "Frank, could you wait outside for a moment. I need to talk to Aimee," I asked politely, knowing he'd agree.

He stepped out of the doorway and closed the door.

I turned back to Aimee and noticed her arms were crossed. I couldn't help myself. I ran to her and embraced her in a tight hug. I know my actions threw her off guard by the way she awkwardly, and slowly, wrapped her arms around me.

"Aimee, I'm so sorry for yelling at you. I really didn't mean to come at you that way, I was just so upset and scared. I didn't know what to do! I didn't know how to respond when you said I love him! I don't want to love him, but it hurts not being able to see him. It really hurts," I cried into her chest. I felt her head lean onto mine and her hand begin to stroke my upper back.

"It's ok, Shadé. I'm here for you, Frank too. We're going to be here through it all, Shadé. I know you love Master Vincent, and vice versa, but it's your fault for not letting him be there for you," she said soothingly as she began to sway from side to side.

"I know. When he comes back, I'll apologize for the way I was acting toward him," I said reassuringly as I pulled away from her.

"That would be the best thing to do," she agreed as she sat on my bed.

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