Chapter 35: The Finale

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Chapter 35: The Finale


I was on my laptop, researching whether or not a mixed child could come out looking completely like one parent and not the other. So far, I've only read about black women and their children looking completely white. That was the case between Caine and Shadé, but he's her son, I watched him come out of her.

But, Valencia...I don't know. She's brown skinned, with brown eyes, she even has Shadé's hair color! It was as if Folashadé birthed a mini version of herself into the world. I know I don't look anything like Folashadé, but damn. The baby looks nothing like me! She could at least have something from me!

It bothers me very much; thinking that the woman I love so much might have cheated on me. I can't even trust my own family, for Christ sake! I love the woman. I believed she wouldn't do something like that to me. Would she? No. That's something I would expect of Melanie, but Shadé? Hell no.

A knock suddenly came at my door, averting my attention to its golden doorknob. I got up to unlock it to reveal my brother holding a white parcel in his hand.

"This is for you," he said, handing it to me.

I stared at it briefly, knowing exactly what it was. "Thanks," I said as I was about to close the door. But, Rodney's foot was stuck between the door and its frame. "What?"

"I want to see them too," he asked, hope lacing in his voice.

I opened the door wider, allowing him to come into the room.

We sat down on adjacent settees, Rodney's intense gaze staying attached to the white parcel.

I ripped open the parcel, revealing a yellow manila folder. Before I opened it, I had to ask Rodney something.

"Do you think they're mine," I asked, hoping he'd say they were.

"Of course I do," he replied as I released a sigh of relief.

"I honestly don't know why you're putting her through all of this, just because of how the baby looks. Vince, twins can look very different. Remember that those two are fraternal and their results from a black woman and white man," he disdainfully added on.

"But, Valencia...she looks nothing like me," I said, staring hard at the folder.

"So, what? Vincent, I hate to tell you this, but you're the epitome of dumbass. You don't need a DNA test to determine whether those lads are yours our not," he said, gesturing to the paternity results for emphasis.

"Whatever," I said, pulling out the first test result.

"Yeah, whatever," he retorted, sarcastically.

I ignored him as I scanned the test results. My eyes only focused on the main parts of the paper.

Child: Caine A. Alexander.

Alleged Father: Vincent E. Alexander.

Mother: Folashadé Hakim.

Probability of Paternity: 99.525%.

"Let me see," Rodney asked. I handed him the paper and took out the next test result. My heart pummeled in my chest vigorously as I knew this was the initial reason I wanted to have a paternity test in the first place.

Child: Valencia M. Alexander.

Alleged Father: Vincent E. Alexander.

Mother: Folashadé Hakim.

Probability of Paternity: 99.348%.

"They're mine, Rod. Her babies are mine," I said, faintly.

"I know they are but, I am not surprised. Folashadé isn't like Melanie," he said sorrowfully. "She's a good woman, a very good woman. And if she actually takes you back after this, that woman is really in love with you," he said sitting back in the settee.

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