Chapter 5

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Jeff and Helen didn't say a thing for at least one minute. But then Jeff stood up all of a sudden, went to Leah's side and hugged her tight. "I can't believe it! I can't believe I'm going to be a granddad!", he examined, the happiest look on his face. Leah felt like mountains would have fallen down from her chest right now and grinned at her dad.

"Wow. That's...great!", Helen finally said and stood up as well to congratulate Leah and Spencer. Leah could see that they both were happy but there was an expression on Helen's face Leah couldn't tell what it was. Maybe concern? Or guilt about something? Leah wasn't sure but there was something that held back her mother's full joy and happiness about Leah's pregnancy.

Leah bit her lip as she slightly leaned against Spencer's shoulder and watched her parents – her father who was incredibly excited and her mother, who tried everything to show happiness and hide what was really going on in her mind.

For a moment Leah thought about just asking Helen what was going on, but she didn't dare. She didn't want to destroy atmosphere that was there after all, so she ignored her mother's behavior and was glad that her parents finally knew it.

Spencer and Leah spent all evening at Jeff's and Helen's and Helen placed selfmade ice cream in front of Leah; a little smile on her face because she knew now that Leah wouldn't be able to resist that sweet, delicious dessert, although she had eaten so much already.

Later, when Spencer and Leah finally were at home, Leah thought about her mom's behavior while she was brushing her teeth. She stared into the mirror, saw her standing there in her short PJ pants and one of Spencer's shirts, saw her own face; her long, dark hair, her green eyes. And she could recognize the small curve in the middle of her body. Her baby bump started to grow. Leah placed her free hand on her belly and sighed. Would the baby have her eyes or Spencer's? Would it have her nose or Spencer's? She found herself thinking about these things every once in a while now.

"Hey, darling." Spencer had stepped into the bathroom without her even realizing and she slightly winced at his words. She spat out the toothpaste then turned around to face Spencer. Without saying a word, he placed his hand on Leah's growing stomach and a smile creeped on his face. "I can't wait until I can feel the baby's movements", he quietly said and Leah felt warmth in her whole body. To hear Spencer talking about the baby made her incredibly happy.

"I will tell you as soon as I can feel anything", she promised, then she kissed his cheek and went into the living room. She was tired – she had eaten a bit too much and the excitement about telling her parents about the pregnancy had exhausted her.

Leah crawled under the duvet on her side of the bed and closed her eyes. She could hear Spencer brushing his teeth in the bathroom and some running water. It was all calming her down and by the time Spencer slipped into bed next to her she was almost asleep.

She felt his arms around her body a few seconds later and snuggled into his embrace. She loved to sleep in his arms. There were enough nights she had to sleep alone anyway. So she enjoyed those moments to the limit.

"I love you", Spencer whispered and Leah automatically smiled. She slowly opened her eyes again.

" you think my mom was acting strange after I told about my pregnancy?", she asked suddenly. She just needed to know if Spencer had seen her mother's behavior as well.

Spencer frowned and wriggled under the duvet to interlock one of his legs with Leah's. He frowned and crinkled his nose – as he always did when he was thinking. Leah waited for him to respond while her fingers played with the fabric of Spencer's shirt.

"Hmmm...she...didn't seem as happy about it as your dad", he finally responded. Leah nodded.

"I'm wondering why. I mean...why was my dad this happy and my mom literally had to force herself to look happy? I don't understand", Leah murmured. She hated when there was something going on with her parents and she couldn't figure what it was.

Spencer gently stroked her back now because he could see that she was a little bit troubled. He hoped to calm her down a bit that way. "You'll have to ask your mom, there's no doubt", he said and his lips brushed over her warm cheek. He wrapped his arms a bit tighter around her.

Leah sighed against his chest. "I know. I was thinking about asking her tonight but I didn't want to destroy my dad's happiness or make the whole situation awkward."

"You'll get another chance to ask your mother, darling", Spencer said, "but now we should get a little rest, okay?" He smiled at her and she couldn't help but give him a smile as well.

"Thank you, Spencer. I love you, so much." She kissed him one last time, before she placed her head on Spencer's chest and closed her eyes. She would ask her mother as soon as possible. She needed to know what was going on with that woman.


Only five days later Leah had the opportunity to talk to her mother again. She randomly met Helen in one of the shopping malls while she had been looking for some new clothes. And then Leah had offered to drink a coffee together.

"Mom, can I ask you something?", Leah finally started after the two women had been sitting together for a while without saying a word. Helen had been taking sips of her coffee and Leah had been drinking her berry smoothie. But now Leah had placed the small bottle back on the table and examined Helen expectantly.

"Of course, my dear." Helen returned the look.

"Okay, so...uhm...I have a feeling that you're not as happy about my pregnancy as you should be", Leah started and her hands clasped around the smoothie bottle.

Helen frowned. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that I saw last week that you're basically forcing yourself to be happy but I could see that you weren't. Why? What's going on?"

For a moment there was silence between Helen and Leah and the young woman could see that her mother was fighting internally.

"I don't know what you mean, Leah. I'm happy for you and Spencer. Of course I am! How could you think otherwise?"

"Because you were acting strange! Spencer thought the same. And he's a profiler, he's able to read people, mom!" Leah was about to lose her patience. But Helen just shook her head.

"Everything is fine, dear. Really. And...I have to go now, I've got an appointment. Thank you for the coffee." Helen stood up, leaned down and kissed her daughter's cheek before she turned around and left the little coffee shop. Leah didn't have any other chance than watching her walk away.

She felt nausea and dizziness coming up and swallowed hard. For a moment Leah closed her eyes and took some deep breaths. There was something wrong with her mother; she was hiding something and Leah wouldn't give up until she'd found out what it was. 

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