Chapter 33

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Two weeks after Walter Owens had been arrested, Leah was home alone again. Spencer and the team had to travel to North Carolina because of a case and wouldn't be back for another two or three days, that was for sure. Spencer had hesitated when there was a new case. Leah would be due any time soon now and he was afraid he'd miss something. But Leah had encouraged him to go with the team. She was alright. If something would happen, there were still her parents and Billie close to come over.

"Spence, I'm doing good", Leah smiled as she was talking to her boyfriend over the phone. He called her twice every day to see if she was okay. She wasn't annoyed at him; she knew he was just worried and nervous. Leah herself was starting to get excited and a bit nervous as well. Soon her baby girl would be born and she could finally hold her in her arms. That was something she couldn't wait for.

"Okay, I'm glad. I hope we'll be back sooner than expected", Spencer replied. "I hope so too", Leah said. She missed him. She would have loved to have Spencer with her now. But it was his job and they both couldn't change that. "I love you, Spence."

"I love you too, darling." Spencer sounded tired and Leah told him to get some sleep before they would have to go on working on that current case. After the phone call, Leah took a bath and then cuddled under the duvet in the bedroom and started to read a new book. Since her baby bump had grown so huge and she felt exhausted extremely fast, she had started to read more than she used to.

Soon Leah fell asleep with the book on her baby bump. And she started to have weird dreams. Everything was blurry and she couldn't catch the pictures that were appearing in her mind. She tossed and turned around in bed until a sharp pain ripped her out of her dreams.

Panting she sat up and turned on the bedside lamp. For a moment, she couldn't figure out why she woke up, but then she felt that pain again, right in her stomach. "Oh my god", she gasped. Leah knew now what it was. She was starting to be in labor!

"Oh, nonono", she whimpered as she reached out a hand and grabbed her phone. It was too early; she shouldn't be due for another two weeks! Fear crept into Leah's chest and she tried to take deep breaths. With shaking hands Leah searched for her parents' number and then waited for them to answer the call. "Come on, get up", she murmured while she hauled herself out of bed. It was just when she got up that she felt a sudden dampness between her legs. "Oh shit", she groaned. It was truly going to start.

"Leah? What's the matter?", Leah could finally hear her father's sleepy voice on the phone. A sob escaped her lips. "Dad, I...I need to go to the hospital as soon as possible, my water broke and I'm in labor", she cried into the phone.

"W-what? Where is Spencer?", Jeff asked, now wide awake. "He's...ugh...he's away on a case", Leah said and tried to breathe through another contraction. "Okay, okay, don't worry! I'll wake up your mother and then we'll be with you in about ten minutes! Hang on, dear!" Jeff ended the call and Leah was alone again. She slowly sank down on the mattress again and whipped away the tears that had been running down her cheeks. She couldn't believe that this all was happening while Spencer wasn't here. When she had that thought, she grabbed her phone again and was about to dial Spencer's number. But then she changed her mind. He had to concentrate on his work. And if she'd call him, he'd want to be with her and wouldn't be able to help the others solving that case. She wouldn't be alone; her parents would be there.

Leah had managed to pack some things for the hospital when her parents arrived. They helped her down the stairs and into the car and then Jeff drove as fast as he could – and ignored some of the traffic rules for sure – to the hospital.

Leah was brought into the delivery room and when she was laying there in a bed, surrounded by nurses, a midwife and a doctor, she wished for Spencer to be with her. She couldn't do this without him. So, she finally called Spencer. But he didn't answer. "Oh, damn!", she swore as she thought about other possibilities.

Penelope! Yes, she would call Penelope. Maybe she would be able to get Spencer on the phone. Before another contraction would hit her, Leah needed to talk to the technical analyst.

"Leah! Dear, it's in the middle of the night!", Penelope answered only like two seconds later. She sounded awake, so Leah assumed that Penelope was still in her office. "Penny, need to call Spencer", Leah groaned.

"Leah, you sound as if you're in pain", Penelope simply said. "I aaaaam!", Leah cried as another contraction rushed over her and made her crawl a hand into the sheets.

"Oh my god, oh my god! Are you in labor?!", Penelope squealed. Only a "M-hm" came out of Leah's mouth while she tried to breathe away the pain once again. "He doesn't answer his phone and I really need him here!", Leah explained after the pain had faded.

"Okay, I'll do my best to get him on the phone, dear! And then he'll be with you almost immediately, I promise!", Penelope said and she sounded extremely excited.


To Leah it felt like an eternity since she had been brought into the hospital. She still got contractions and the gap between them got shorter and shorter with every hour. Soon she would have to press and Spencer still wasn't there...But Helen was. Leah had asked her mom to be with her until Spencer would come.

"Oh god, what if he isn't allowed to leave that case and come back?", Leah groaned after another contraction had hit her. "Dear, I'm sure his boss will let him leave", Helen responded and put some wet hair out of Leah's face. "But it's many hours since I came here and what if the baby arrives and Spencer isn't here? He wished so much to be with me during the birth." Leah's voice was nothing more than a whimper. She felt like she was in constant pain now and it frightened her. All of this frightened her.

But then, the door to the delivery room swung open and Spencer stormed in. "Am I too late?", he gasped as he rushed over to Leah and grabbed her hand. "No", she sobbed; the feeling of relief that she felt now was overwhelming.

"Okay, I'm useless here now", Helen smiled, kissed Leah's cheek and then left. "Penelope called Hotch and he told me what was going on. He allowed me to take the team jet and fly back immediately. I was afraid I wouldn't make it", he explained and while he talked, he stroked Leah's cheek.

"I was afraid as well. I...I can't do that without you", she said, feeling a bit stronger now that Spencer was by her side. "You don't have to, darling." He leaned down and kissed her lips.

"Okay, it's time to press", the midwife said with an encouraging smile on her lips. And there it was again: Fear. "Spence...", she started and looked up at her boyfriend. "I'm afraid. What if I'll be an awful mother?" She tried to hold back the tears but it was hard to do so. Spencer smiled and kissed her hand that he was holding. "You will be a wonderful mother. I know that and everyone else knows it as well. Don't be afraid. We're into this together", Spencer tried to encourage Leah. She nodded and now finally started to press. She couldn't wait for her baby girl to arrive.


After more than sixteen hours of being in labor, Leah and Spencer could finally hold their baby girl in their arms. Leah was dead tired but she didn't care. She couldn't stop looking at the little wonder in her arms. Spencer was sitting next to her bed, starring at the baby as well. "She's beautiful", he whispered and gently stroked the little fingers that were clenched into a fist.

"What about the name?", he then asked. They still hadn't decided but now they were basically forced to do so.

Leah smiled. "What about...Charlotte?" She looked up and into Spencer's face. He smiled as well. "Charlotte, like your biological mother?" Leah nodded. "Would you like that?" She was a bit scared that Spencer wouldn't like that name. But she felt like it was the right one for her daughter. But Spencer nodded. "I love it."

A knock on the door made them look up from their baby. The whole BAU team stepped in, with flowers and baby presents in their arms. They had solved the case quite fast, Leah assumed. Otherwise they wouldn't all be here.

Everyone wanted to take a look at the newborn and Spencer and Leah got hugged from everyone. "So, what's the name of that beautiful girl?", Derek finally asked. Spencer took the baby from Leah and carefully kissed her forehead. "Let me introduce you to Charlotte Delilah Reid. Welcome to the world, love."


A/N: so, this is it, the last chapter of "Pieces Of Me". Thanks for all the lovely comments and all the faves this story got! it made me really happy :) I hope you enjoyed that story and will keep continuing reading my Spencer Reid One Shots for as long as there are ideas ;) lots of love to you, guys!

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