Finding out the Sex

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Tony- Pepper and him were both very excited for today as they got ready to go to the ultrasound. "You know," Tony said "the baby has to be a girl" "and why's that?" Pepper asked laughing "Because I don't think I could raise a mini me he would be too much like me" "and there's something wrong with that? " "I just really want a baby girl" Pepper smiled and headed to the car with Tony. They pulled in and were immediately (well he's Tony Stark)
"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Stark I'm Dr. Lenna how are you doing?" "Can't wait to know about our baby" Tony said practically jumping in his seat. "Okay well here we go, sorry Mrs Stark the gels going to be a little cold" Paper shivered slightly Tony laughed slightly "you'd shiver to if you had cold gel put on your stomach" pepper said laughing but all that laughing stopped when you head a little heartbeat and saw your baby on the screen. "The baby is healthy, do you want to know the sex of the baby?" "Yes!" Tony and Pepper
Said together. "Alright well it looks like your having a baby Girl" Pepper smiled and look at Tony she could of sworn she saw a tear leave his eye as he smiled staring at the little screen.

Steve- Steve wasn't use to all the technology used at the doctors office,nor being allowed in the room but he went with you. "Hello Mr and Mrs.Roger's I'm Dr.McAvery, now let's see how that baby is doing huh" he put the gel on your stomach "brr its cold" "yes sorry about that, the baby looks perfect do you want to know the sex?" "Yes please" "alright well it looks like it a girl" Steve smiled and just held your hand.

Bucky- Bucky was always nervous when these docter appointment's because he didn't want to ever hear if something was wrong with the baby but agreed because on thou appointment you would find out if you were going to have a little man or a little lady. You wanted a boy but Bucky desperately wanted a girl and you knew that. "Hi I'm doctor Isaacs how is everything?" "Tired" "yes that does happen with pregnancy, now are we ready to see your baby?" Bucky nods holding your hand tight staring at the little screen "well look at that your baby's growing perfectly do you want to know the sex?" "Yes" you say before Bucky can answer. "Well your having a girl" you turn to look at bucky as you see him jumping up and down wit a huge grin plastered on his face.

Thor- Anything that dealt with the baby was taken to Asgard. "Thor why can't we go to midgaurdian doctors?" "Because I want our child to be in the best hands Jane" "your right I just get so tired after the trip and I..." "Jane everything will be alright" you reached Asgard and went towards the healers of course they were expecting you. "Just lay down Lady Jane" Jane did and started to get anxious she had no idea how they look at the baby in Asgard "Jane you'll be okay" Jane nodded as the healer touched her stomach and made the image of the baby appear. "The baby looks beautiful" Jane said in awe "do you wish to know the sex of the baby?" Thor looked at Jane who nodded "it is going to be a beautiful princess" Thor smiled and held Jane's hand as Jane had tears forming in her eyes.

Bruce- Bruce would always take you to SHEILDS medical center. He did this because 1- you guys were mostly at shield 2- in case the baby inherited anything from Bruce they would be able to tell. "Hey Bruce the doc over in room one is ready" said Tony none of you knew why he wanted to come "thanks Tony by the way why are you here?" Bruce asked "I'm always here. Okay fine I'm really here with Pep. Were having a girl!" With that Tony bounced away and you guys made it to the room. "Hello I'm Dr. Chow, now as I understand you here for a checkup" "yes we want to see if the baby inherited anything else from me?" "Well let's see, well the baby looks healthy in the picture but let me check the blood work." The doctor leaves and Bruce and you are holding onto each other very tightly Bruce more than you. "Well yes Sir I'm afraid your daughter has inherited the gama radiation but we won't know how much until she's born" Bruce starts crying feeling stupid for passing his condition onto an innocent child. "Wait did you say daughter?, its a girl!" "Yes sir" Bruce was in a mixture of feelings that say.

Loki- Loki did the same thing as Thor brought you to Asgard for everything, and when you weren't at the healers you were always with Frigga. "Child do you know what babe you carry in your womb?" "No Loki and I were suppose to fund out but he's been in a meeting all Day" "well when he returns would you like me to tell you?" "You can do that?" Frigga just smiled. When Loki returned you grabbed his hand and ran to his mother. "Loki your mother can tell us about our baby?" Loki looked at his mother surprised "you can?" "Its an old trick I learned from my mother. Here take this chain and hold it above your stomach if it swings left its a girl if it swings right its a boy. You held the chain in front of your stomach and waited, Loki held your hand tightly as he looked at his mother. Then all of a sudden the swung left. "A girl were having a girl a little princess" you started tearing up "You didn't want a girl" "love I don't care if its a girl or boy as long as its ours a d healthy" "I love you." "I love you to, and thank you mother" "your very welcome my son"

Quicksilver- Wanda went with you and Pietro in case you needed help and also she wanted to see her little niece or nephew. You entered the doctors office and signed in. It didn't take very long to get in, and then the doctor came into the room "well aren't we popular who do you all have with you?" "My husband and sister" "well how about we see that baby huh" they all smiled "well look at that your baby has it's little hand out, isn't that cute. Do you want to know the sex?" "Yes!" You and Pietro said together "hold on wait a minute" "what is it!" "Its not just one baby its two your having twins" "Pietro can we have the babies be a surprise I mean this is a surprise" "sure love" "I get to be double the auntie"

Hawkeye- (I'm writing about Hawkeye's first kid) "Laura its going to be okay okay there's nothing to worry about okay just breathe" "Clint I'm not the one panicking you are" "right" you had been waiting a while for the results from the sonogram and Clint was beyond panic "Laura I'm just so scared" "its going to be okay..." "What is it?" "Nothing its just the baby kicking I think your going to have your little football star" "I don't care as long as its healthy" the doctor comes in "sorry for the wait now about the baby" "is it okay" "oh he's fine and healthy" "He?" "Your having a son Mr.Barton" Clint just smiled.

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