Xandria's Spells

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Xandria's Spells by:LadyDawn2012 Copyright © All Right Reserved


This is a list of spell I made up for my stories: Rapture, and Rapture The Awakening.

They are made for my Witch character Xandria Linford, a very powerful witch working with a hybrid Vampire/Werewolf, Vampire, and a Werewolf. The have been bonded together into a fierce fighting team to protect the human race from the evil side of their own kind, who are only determined to wipe out the human race for their own reasons. Xandria is the Witch in charge of protecting the team while they are out in the field on their missions or when they are up against other witches or mythical beings. She also produces love and fertility spells for her Queen and King.

My Witches Book of Spells (From the Rapture Series)Where stories live. Discover now