Invitation to Brigid

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This is not one of my own spells I have borrowed it

this is a lovely spell to add to my collection here though

this is a real spell of welcome to Brigid I felt you all would

Like to read one of the real ones I use in daily life.

Enjoy I know I do it enriches my life.



Invitation to Brigid

Goddess, threefold, strong and wise

We see the springtime in your eyes

Though Earth sleeps under winter's chill

We know your bounty is with us still.

We ask that you would bless us now

With beauty, love and light

Through fire and warmth and kinship

Upon this Imbolc night.

We light the candles shining white

And beautify each room

To show that all is purified

And spring is coming soon.

We thank you for your kindness

Your wisdom and your aid

We ask that you be with us

As our rite is made.

Share with us now your gifts

Of poetry, health and strength

That we may have the courage

To endure winter's length,

And look ahead to spring

New blossomed and new-born

As we pass through winter's chilly night

And greet the Sun's new morn!

© "Brigid" 2005

To Brigid

Lady Brigid, threefold one

Maiden, Mother and the Crone,

The ewes have milk

The lambs will grow

And so will we

Just so. Just so.

The seeds hold tight

The sprouting plants

The plants will grow

In Springtime’s flow

And so will we

Just so. Just so.

Please bless us with your

Love’s bright glow

Warm us with your flame and so

As the spring begins to show

We will thrive

Just so. Just so.

© Brigid, Imbolc 2009

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