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Love of my life join my life with yours.

Stay by my side as we sleep side by side.

Be the joy of my heart, the food for my sole.

Loving partners raising a family.

This day forever I do promises.

My love, honor, and respect.

I hold you forever in my heart.

Through struggles and pleasures thick and thin.

All the days of my life you will always live in.

Will you accept me and all that I am?

After they both repeated these vow's to each other Xandria finalized the Handfasting with her blessing:

In the name of the God of Love.

Whose love is everywhere in the universe.

Whose touch sparkles a new beginning.

Bless this couple and their little one.

In the name of the Goddess of Love.

Whose love holds all love together.

Goddess of all eternity.

In the names of all who have ever loved.

A star shining down brightly from the heavens above.

Bless this couple with you undying love.

May only love enter their lives as well as exit from it.

Heavenly God and Goddess up above.

As I wish so mote it be.

My Witches Book of Spells (From the Rapture Series)Where stories live. Discover now