Part 2: Big Sister

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The next morning Big Brother woke up at some time around 7 A.M. As he often did and he walked out of the room and stood out on the balcony and looked out at the once beautiful city of rapture, and he began to imagine what the city looked like before all of this chaos began. But his peace was interrupted (again) but this time it was interrupted by a loud screeching sound which caused his vision to blur for a few seconds, then when his vision cleared he grabbed his helmet and put it on then he looked out past the balcony and saw a big sister facing off against about thirty splicers alone and by the look of the fight she seemed to be losing so he revved up his drill again and jumped down from the balcony crushing two of the splicers in the process but there was still a lot left and when some of them turned to him, he started using another one of his powers namely his telekinesis and he used it to launch large objects at the splicers while the big sister stabbed a few of them with that needle gauntlet she had but eventually she took a hit to the back of the neck which knocked her out or maybe even killed her, and when the big brother saw this he got angry and the port- hole on his helmet started to glow red and bathed everything in front of him in a blood red light; he let out a roar and he completely obliterated the last of them with little to no effort, then he turned and began to walk back into his apartment leaving the big sister there on the ground; but he didn't have the heart to just leave her out there for another army of splicers to rip apart, so he picked her up carrying her bridal style back inside. And after a while he carried her back up to the apartment he and Amy were currently living in and he laid the big sister on the couch then he carefully removed her helmet and placed it on the table, he looked at her for a second before he did the same with his helmet; She had short red hair that covered her ears, and her skin was fairly pale. "Big brother, what're you doing?" He heard small voice say from behind him. "I'm helping big sister." He explained gesturing to the big sister. Amy then got frightened and ran over to her big sister "What happened to big sister?" Amy asked standing next to her big sister who laid there on the couch unconscious. "She was being attacked by about thirty splicers and I saved her." The big brother explained as he walked over to a wall safe and opened it, and when he did he pulled out a first aid kit and walked back over to them and when he got there he saw Amy kneeling there laying her head down in front of where the big sister was laying "Amy I'm gonna need you to leave for a moment." Big Brother said. "Okay Big Brother." Amy said as she reluctantly walked back into her room and began to play with her doll trying to get her mind off her worry for her big sister. Meanwhile Big Brother was there tending to the big sister's wounds that she had on her from the splicer's attack from before, and when he had completely finished treating her wounds, he took a needle and thread, and he began to sew up the holes that were left behind when the splicers' weapons made on her suit. Then he turned her around and placed a pillow under her head. Then Amy walked back in the room "Is big sister gonna be alright?" Amy asked nervously. "Amy, she's gonna be fine." The Big Brother said with a reassuring smile on his face, which made Amy feel less worried. Then about three hours later the big sister woke up and saw where she was and she also saw her helmet on a table and she began to panic and a few seconds later; after she had begun panicking Big Brother walked in "Oh, you're awake." He said as he sat down in an armchair near the couch. "Yeah, I am now where in the hell am I?" She asked in a hoarse tone. "Please don't curse while Amy's awake." He ordered gently. "Amy?" She said confused. "Yes Amy." He said as Amy walked into the room. "Hi." Amy said waving. "Oh... uh do you have any water?" The big sister asked clearing her throat. "Yes I believe I do." Big brother said as he walked over to the kitchen and opened the still functioning fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. Then he walked back to the living room, and handed it to the big sister then she opened the bottle and drank some of the water from it "Thank you." She said in a much less hoarse tone. "No problem, now what's your name?" He asked. "My name is: Lucy." She replied. "Well Lucy, as far as I know my name is literally big brother." He said smiling. "Really?" Lucy asked. "Yeah." He said. Then the Big Brother felt a small hand grab onto his large hand and he turned and saw Amy looking at him "Is big sister alright now?" She asked. "Yes Amy, big sister's fine now."' Big brother said with a warm smile. Amy smiled back and hugged his leg as her way of saying thank you for helping one of her beloved big sisters. The Big brother smiled and patted her on the head gently "Thank you, brother." Lucy said as she picked up her helmet and put it back on. "I wouldn't advise leaving just yet." The big brother said. "And why's that?" Lucy asked. "Because I only treated your wounds, I didn't heal them." The big brother explained rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "Oh, that makes sense I gue- ahh!" Lucy said grabbing her head in pain. Big brother then got up and guided her back to the couch "Don't get up for a while." The big brother ordered gently. "Alright, alright." She said as she sat back down on the couch and took off her helmet and placed it down next to her. "How long will it be until I can get back on my feet?" Lucy asked worriedly. "About two maybe three days." Big brother said patting her gently on the back in an attempt to comfort her. She smiled "Thanks." Lucy said. Then the big brother felt someone pull on the leg of his suit then he looked down at Amy and she looked up at him "Big brother, I'm hungry." She said. "I am too come to think of it. So you two wait here, I'll go out and see what I can find." He said as he put his helmet back on then went out and jumped off of the balcony again (because it's cool) and he went out to find something for himself, Amy and Lucy to eat.
About five minutes later he came back with a few cans of food like meat, some caned vegetables, and some other stuff in his bag and when he walked in to the apartment and he found Lucy laying on her stomach playing with Amy; hearing Amy giggle made him very happy. "I'm back." He said as he took his helmet off and placed it on the ground. Lucy and Amy turned to him and smiled, he smiled back and then emptied the contents of his bag "I wish I could've gotten more than just this." He said gesturing to the food. "No it's fine big brother." Amy said smiling as she picked up some of the food and ate it. And so did Lucy and the Big Brother did the same; it may not have been much but they were content with it. A few minutes later when the three of them had finished eating Amy walked over to her big brother and asked him to pick her up; so he did and he let her climb up onto his shoulder, she then sat on his shoulder and griped on the neck joint of his suit, then he got up and lifted her off his shoulder using his telekinesis power to hold her in the air for a minute while he put his helmet back on then he placed her back on his shoulder then he heard a very low tapping sound which he figured was just Amy grabbing onto his helmet. He then walked out of the room, but before he did he set a few mini-turrets up by the door, "Lucy, I'll be back in a little while." He said before he closed the door. Then he began to walk around Rapture with Amy sleeping peacefully on his shoulder "I wonder, is it possible to change Amy back to who she was before these people did this to her?" He thought to himself. But yet again his peace was interrupted but this time it was interrupted by the dead body of a splicer being thrown in front of him, but it didn't hit him, instead it kept going until it slammed strait through a wall on a building near him. Amy then woke up and she groaned a little "Big brother what was that?" She asked. "The reason a splicer should never go up against a rouge big daddy alone." He said. But when he said that he heard the loud roar of a rouge big daddy coming from the direction where the dead body had flown from and when he turned around to see the big daddy charging at him, so with in a fraction of a second his reflexes kicked in and he froze the the big daddy in place for a little while as the big brother walked away with Amy still riding on his shoulder. Then out of nowhere a big sister jumped down in front of him, pointing the needle she had on her wrist right at his heart but she didn't stab him "One of my sisters is missing, her name is Lucy, do you know anything about that?" The big sister asked him sounding angry with the porthole on her helmet glowing red. "Yes she's staying at my and Amy's home while she recovers." He explained. "Recovering from what exactly?" The big sister asked. "She got ambushed by about thirty splicers and almost got killed; so I saved her and brought her home with me so I could treat her wounds." The big brother explained. "Take me to her." The big sister ordered lowering her arm. "Alright." The big brother said. "Follow us." Amy said smiling. The big sister did so and after a few minutes the three of them walked into the apartment and Lucy was greeted by her sister with a hug "Why are you here?" She asked. "Emily, I just need some time to get back on my feet." Lucy explained. But what Emily and Lucy didn't realise was that Lucy was standing up right now "Uh... Lucy I think you're ok now." Amy said. "Why's that?" Lucy asked. "Because you're standing right now." The big brother said as he placed Amy on the ground and took his helmet off. Lucy looked down and realised she was standing up at that moment "So I am. Well I guess I have to leave now." Lucy said in a kind of sad tone. "Well, you can visit Amy and I whenever you want." The big brother said trying to make her feel better. Then he handed Lucy her helmet and watched as she put it on. Lucy then bent down and patted Amy on the head, then he got up and hugged big brother and he hugged back. And a few moments later Emily and Lucy walked out of there waving goodbye. Then the big brother felt Amy tug on his suit to get his attention, so he looked down at her and she looked up back at him "Big brother I'm sleepy." Amy said yawning. "Alright, then let's get you to bed." He said as he picked her up and carried her into her room then he tucked her in gently "Good night Amy." He said smiling. "Good night big brother." Amy said as she closed her eyes. Then big brother leaned in close and he kissed her good night, then he walked out of the room and laid down on his couch and went to sleep

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