*Chapter Eight*

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I stare at my phone as it beeps with another incoming message.

Sara: So you told him, and he basically left the room?

Me: Pretty much. I mean he congratulated me and asked how long it would be. Then he said he has to go to figure out some stuff and he left.

Remembering the moment makes me feel all weird inside again. He looked so sad and disappointed. I hated it.

Sara: Mmh. That doesn't sound too good. And you said you haven't seen him much since then? Wasn't that like two days ago when you told him?

I read the message, letting out a nervous breath. This isn't helping at all.

Me: Yeah. Everyone's been busy traveling to Holland, playing the concert, and now everyone is getting ready to travel over to Germany.

Sara: Maybe he's just acting weird because this is all coming to an end now? That must seem weird to him too, don't you think? Now add the stress of you leaving him on top of it all.

Me: I'm NOT leaving him. It's just for a few months, Sara.

Sara: I know that. But think about how he must feel too. You guys have been talking and looking forward to finally being together again after all of the tour and school stress. It always sounded like that thought was what got you through all of your school work and made it all worth it. And then you drop that bomb on him.

I stare at Sara's message for a while, feeling more and more sick by the second. What am I doing?

Me: Sara, I have to go. I have to talk to Tyler. Thanks so much for helping.

I jump out of bed, not waiting for Sara's reply. I take a quick shower and get ready as fast as I can. I'm about to put on my dress, when I can hear the door to the suite open. Tyler strolls in a second later.

"Anna?" He looks around the room, seeing me standing in the bathroom door with my dress still in my hands. I can feel his eyes on my body, and I know I'm already blushing.

My favorite smile appears on his lips, and I feel like crying. It seems like I haven't seen it in forever with the weird tension between us. He must notice the look on my face, because his smile falls instantly.

"What's wrong?" He's by my side in no time, looking at me with concern in his eyes.

"I was just coming to find you so we can talk." I take a step closer to him, drawn in by the comfort he provides.

"Please don't tell me there's some more news you didn't tell me?" I can still hear the slightest bit of disappointment in his voice, and I wish I could take it all back.

"No, nothing else. I did want to talk to you about New York though. I'll call the guys and tell them I can't participate in their show right now, maybe I can do another show later on. I want to go back to Oregon with you." I say in a whisper.

"Are you crazy? No way. You're not coming back to Oregon with me." He says it in a firm voice that surprises me. It also makes me wince a little.

He takes my face into his big hands, and I immediately melt at the contact.

"Look at me, Anna." His voice is demanding, yet softer now. When I look at him, I'm met with eyes filled with so much love and adoration, that I can feel my own tear up. "You're not coming to Oregon with me, because I'm coming to New York with you. There's no way in this world that you'll miss such an amazing opportunity, and I don't want to be apart from you again."

"What?" My eyes blink rapidly, making the collected tears spill over. "You can't. You got your studio recording all set up to begin in a few weeks. You can't miss that."

"And I won't. I already talked to Steve, and we're all set. He doesn't mind a few months at the East Coast, so we can do all the work over there." He gives me a small smile.

"Are you serious right now?" I can only stare at him.

Tyler nods and I throw myself at him. He pulls me tightly into his arms, and I feel so happy and loved at the moment.

"Thank you so much. I can't tell you how much that means to me. I'm so excited right now."

He chuckles lightly into my shoulder, causing goosebumps to pop up everywhere. When I try to pull away from him, he only pulls me closer. Lifting me up by my butt without much difficulty, he carries me over to the bed.

"I can't wait to spend more time with you. There's no way I'm going to miss that."

I'm flat on my back, and Tyler is hovering above me. I stare up into his eyes, and I can't even describe the amount of love I feel for this guy. Before I can utter any more words, he closes the distance between us, and feeling his lips on mine is the best feeling in the world.


Everyone happy again? 😄

Thanks so much for being here. ❤❤❤

Secrets On Tour ✔ [COMPLETED] (Sequel to Late Night Conversations) Where stories live. Discover now