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Woohoo. Let's do this. 🤗🤗


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I open the door to the nursery as slowly as possible and my heart fills with so much love at the sight in front of me, it takes all my willpower not to cry. Tyler sits in the big rocking chair with Brooke in his arms, both of them asleep. I look over to the cribs and see that Kaylyn is sleeping too. I tiptoe over to the chair and carefully take our baby girl out of his arms. The movement wakes him up and he looks at me with tired eyes.

"Ssh," is all I say, and he only nods.

I give Brooke a soft kiss on her forehead and gently put her in her crib. Then I walk over to where Tyler is standing in the doorframe now. He stares at me, his gaze lazily sweeping over me from top to bottom.

"You look absolutely breathtaking," he whispers, pulling me closer.

"The hair and makeup team did a fabulous job. I don't look like a zombie anymore, I almost look normal." I let out a quiet chuckle.

"Stop it, you're beautiful."

"Thank you. I don't mind being tired." I look back over my shoulder to the two cribs in the room. "They are totally worth it."

"I agree," Tyler says, nodding his head. "I still have days where I can't believe that we actually have two babies."

"I know," I tell him, understanding exactly how he feels. I also still have days when I can't believe I'm married to the man of my dreams.

We stand there in silence for a few more minutes, just looking at our girls.

Sadness rushes over me at the thought of leaving them for tonight. It won't be the first time, and they aren't exactly little babies anymore either, being over a year old already, but I still have a hard time being away from them. "Maybe we should just stay here tonight."

Tyler gives my neck a soft kiss, tickling my skin with his warm breath. "No way are we going to miss your own gallery opening. We've talked about it. The girls are going to be fine with your parents here." He turns me around to look into my eyes. "It'll all be good, I promise. Now, how much time do I have left until the driver gets here?"

"Probably only about half an hour now."

"Well, I better hurry up then. You know how Marlene gets when we're late." He pulls me into a hug, rubbing my back reassuringly. "We'll have a great evening. You've worked so hard for this over the last few years. You know I'll miss the girls too, but tonight is your night, sunshine."

"I know, I know. Go hurry up then, or we're really gonna be late." I give his butt a light squeeze, and he runs off to our bedroom, laughing all the way.

I stare after him for a while before walking over to the kitchen. Our puppy greets me excitedly, running in circles around my legs. I pick him up, running my fingers through his soft fur. "Hi Tucker. We have the best family ever, don't we?"

He agrees with me, giving my chin wet doggy kisses that make me giggle.

"Wait until I'll tell Tyler about our little secret later tonight."

"What secret?" Tyler's voice comes from right behind me, making my heart beat wildly in my chest.

I put Tucker down and turn around to face Tyler. "I wanted to wait until later to tell you," I admit to him, sure my face is flushed from the shock and excitement of him hearing me talk about my secret.

He comes closer, and I notice he's only in a towel, his skin and hair still wet from his shower. "Why don't you tell me now?"

"Stop smiling at me like this," I tell him. "You know that's not fair."

"I'm counting on that," he says, his smile getting even bigger.

I can't hold back my own smile.

"So? Spill it. What's your secret?" He pulls me closer to him, making it impossible to resist. My hands are up on his naked chest, absentmindedly caressing his skin.

"Kaylyn and Brooke are going to be big sisters next year." I look at him closely, not wanting to miss a second of his reaction.

"I knew it. Best news ever," he yells, his voice booming through the house.

"Ssh. You don't want to wake them up." We both laugh now, as Tyler picks me up and spins me around in circles, everything else long forgotten.

"I can't wait. I love you so much," he sighs happily, putting me back down and giving me a long kiss.


One more EPILOGUE waiting for you in the next chapter. 😉

A big thanks to each and every one of you for reading and sticking with me and Anna & Tyler. I really appreciate it and all of your support. You're just beyond awesome. ❤❤❤❤❤❤

Secrets On Tour ✔ [COMPLETED] (Sequel to Late Night Conversations) Where stories live. Discover now