Chapter Five

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Thank you to peitamatthews for this awesome cover! (:

Word Count: 1805

Pages: 12


No. It's not possible.

Jasper stares at me, waiting for some sort of reaction, but I keep my expression impassive. Because it can't be true. He has to be lying to me. Because mind readers don't exist...

"We do exist, quite frankly," Jasper murmurs casually, raising a darkened eyebrow at me.

I flinch.

"Listen, I have many powers, and the reason why is something I can't discuss with you right now. Which is why-"

"You're a Phantom Wolf?" I blurt out.

Instantly Jasper's face darkens. I don't know why I mentioned it, but it seemed to be the only possible way to get a reaction out of him. And my reasoning behind it, wasn't just the mind reading business.

"I said, we can't talk about it here," Jasper repeats, his jaw clenched.

So I was right? And no matter how hard my conscious, realistic thoughts tried to tell me that they don't exist, something in the back of my mind hinted the opposite. Like I was supposed to feel that way...

"I know it's hard to believe, but trust me, you need to take this drink," he mutters, suddenly sliding a glass of red wine across the table top. Where had that come from, because I don't remembering seeing the bartender conjure it up...

I hold the stem warily between my fingertips.

"After what you've just told me, I think I won't take this drink from you," I tell him shakily, slowly, without breaking the relentless eye contact we hold.

This man is either telling the truth, which is on the high ends of the spectrum, or he's absolutely crazy, and wants any reason to get away with spiking my drink.

"Drink, it's not spiked," Jasper insists, the wine finding its way back into my hand.

I stare at the inside of the glass, as swirls red with foreign wine. It looks so tempting, but I still don't trust Jasper.

"You're not really a Phantom Wolf though...They are deformed creatures, that only come out at night," I tell him, glancing around for my nearest escape route.

Jasper suddenly holds his hand up, showing me something I never noticed before. A silver ring, practically burning into his skin. It looked so familiar, aside from the markings engraved in it...Commander of the Night.

"If you drink this, I'll explain everything," Jasper promises.

My mind swirls with unanswered questions and crazy, delusional men. He claims to read my mind, and has done a fairly good job of it thus far. Although, my mind doesn't seem to grasp the impossible idea.

And alcohol does seem like the way to soothe it. As I take a sip of the cool liquid, I wonder if that's his plan. Give me alcohol so I'm calmer when he breaks it to me that he's a mass murdering Phantom or something.

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