Chapter Sixty-Two

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Stone scrolled through the pictures on Owen Keating's phone and then held it out. "Is this the man you saw?" he asked of Nurse Regan, watching her face as she scrutinised the image he was showing her.

The nurse nodded. "That's him," she confirmed. "I'd recognise him anywhere." Her voice was steady and confident, though her demeanour betrayed the shock she still felt.

"Thank you." Stone locked the phone and slipped it into his pocket so he could return it to Owen Keating, he then left the nurse's lounge, Burke on his heels, so he could coordinate the search for Ryan Keating. They still didn't know if Ryan had been trying to kill his sister's kidnapper out of a misguided, and belated, desire to protect his sister, or because he was involved in her kidnapping; it didn't matter which was the case just then, in Stone's opinion, that was something that could be sorted out once they had Ryan Keating in custody. He was sure his theory was right, though, and Ryan was involved, perhaps even behind, his sister being held for ransom.

Radioing Sergeant Wells at the station, Stone reeled off a list of instructions for him to disseminate to the officers out on patrol. That done, he contacted Inspector Evans, who was still at the Keatings' house; Stone didn't think it likely that Ryan Keating would return home, not when he had to know that doing so would result in his arrest, but he wanted Evans to find out everything he could about the young man, in case he could discover where Ryan might be going, and what his intentions might be.

Stone also hoped that Evans would be able to track Ryan's mobile phone, as well as any activity that might have taken place on his bank account and credit cards, just in case the cars closing in on the borrowed Jaguar lost him – he sincerely hoped that wouldn't happen. With the level of importance attached to the case, and the number of patrol cars heading towards Ryan Keating's last reported position, it should be impossible for him to escape; he had enough sense not to rely on that, however.

His radio calls made, and Owen Keating's phone returned, Stone left the hospital and, his partner behind the wheel again, headed for Ryan Keating's position, which was being updated by Sergeant Wells as the patrols reported in.

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