1. queen of hearts

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dedicated to qwertyist for editing the blurb, reading my drafts, lifting my confidence and being an all round beauty 💕

also credit to quirkymerrell for the wonderful cover at the top of the chapter!

   It was the kind of news that spread like wildfire, written on paper planes that zoomed before the noses of unsuspecting teachers, and typed in text messages by rapidly tapping thumbs beneath wooden desks

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   It was the kind of news that spread like wildfire, written on paper planes that zoomed before the noses of unsuspecting teachers, and typed in text messages by rapidly tapping thumbs beneath wooden desks. Willa Perry had finally dumped Declan Fitzgerald.

   The last two people left in the Breakup Game.

   For the people absorbing the gossip with gleeful grins in the corridors, and even the sore losers who claimed they couldn't care less, this event was monumental. It was written in the history books of Richmond Preparatory. Willa Perry has won The Breakup Game.

   But Willa Perry could not have been more miserable beneath her charming smile. Sure, she'd obtained the title she'd been coveting from afar for months, but just because you dumped someone doesn't mean they didn't break your heart. In fact, Willa's heart could not be more fractured, shattered from the betrayal of Declan and lying in glittery shards upon the floor.

   It was a good thing Willa was never one to ponder on the negative. It was just a shame her insides couldn't catch up with the feeling of triumph rushing through her exterior.

   "Congrats," Aubrey greeted with a crimson coated grin. Although she'd been best friends with Willa since elementary school, she was never good at catching onto her internal feelings. Being hard to read was both Willa's finest talent and weakest link.

   "Thanks," she said, tucking her thick, platinum colored hair behind her ear before nodding to what she had overlooked as her best friend approached through the crowd of students. A budding bouquet of heart balloons erupting from a string linked to her wrist. "What's that? A gift from Liam?"

   Aubrey shook her head, as if what Willa had spoken was absurd. It probably was. It wasn't like her boyfriend to be romantic. "No, these are yours! The girls and I put it together. For never being dumped. For winning."

   She unlinked the balloons and took Willa's hand, fastening them with a little bow.

   The foil hearts made her remember the ones Declan once doodled on her ankle as she lounged on his sofa, feet clad in flip flops and white leather sticking to her skin, relaxing in his family's holiday home as the summer sun bled through silk curtains.

   She shivered, and poked a balloon, deciding she'd display them like a trophy.

   It hadn't been a nice breakup, the kind she'd always hoped it would be. Instead it was the epitome of a disaster. Screaming. Tears. Even a smashed vase - an accident as she fled the room carelessly, her tote brushing it from the vanity with a deafening smash.

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