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Willa took her time to get ready for school on Monday morning, careful to make sure not a single hair was askew or any signs of the red and gray surrounding her eyes were still visible

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Willa took her time to get ready for school on Monday morning, careful to make sure not a single hair was askew or any signs of the red and gray surrounding her eyes were still visible. After a Sunday crying at Aubrey's house, Willa was ready to face the second round. Only, at least this time, nobody would be ogling her for the latest revelation of Camille Davison and Declan Fitzgerald. Luckily, that was something she could keep locked deep in her broken heart for now.

There was something else swirling through the halls of Richmond Prep, something almost as awful.

Since his endeavors with the group of boys sitting comfortably at the top of the popularity pyramid, Ben Hartford's name had been swarming around the campus, and not for good reason. The jocks were seated on a pedestal of awe and everything they did was one hilarious joke, even acts of drunken violence. It caused a divide through the cohort.

"It's just so mean," Aubrey said, clutching her books to her thin collarbones as a particularly large group of juniors scrambled past her and Willa. "He's so nice. But because those assholes pick on him, he's suddenly scorned by everyone."

Willa didn't point out that if she weren't 'dating' his brother, Aubrey would likely be one of those people scorning him too. She also didn't mention that Aubrey's own boyfriend was amongst those assholes.

"It sucks," Willa agreed half-heartedly. She scanned the halls. Though there were still ten minutes before first period began, she was sure nearly every student gracing them was aware of the news. She half hoped it would spread to a teacher, and that they would do something to punish the boys. But she knew they stood shielded by a barrier of money and powerful families.

The first time she saw Ashton was at lunch time, which was extremely unusual. With two full days left before she could break up with him - and anything but the game on her mind - she was starting to wonder whether pursuing him was worth it at all. But he beat her to it.

"What on Earth are you doing?" she asked when she noticed his tall form approaching where she'd sat down at her usual table. The other girls were still held up at English class, where she'd managed to escape early by already finishing her assignment. With no Declan, a whole realm of free time had opened up, and to some degree homework had helped her escape from her thoughts.

"I wanted to eat here today," he said, leaning his palms on the surface and cocking a smile at her. "Make sure Ben's alright, you know? Have you seen him?"

She shook her head, casting a glance around.

"Anyway, I'll go grab some lunch and join my friends. But, consider this as an effort towards our relationship on my behalf."

Just as he turned to leave, Declan's broad figure entered the room from outside, Hugo and the boy who'd hit Ben flanking him closely. Rage swelled in Willa's chest. She'd actually had to remove the sim card from her phone to stop his calls interrupting her thoughts ever twenty minutes - even when she was sleeping.

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