7. Panic

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Sorry that it took so long guys, but once I finally finished it I realized I'd switched from first to third person in the middle of Chapter Six. -.- So I went back and had to correct everything. Hopefully the next chapter will be up very soon. Thanks so much for the people who added this to their Reading Lists and commented/voted, it is very much appreciated.


It was dark. That was the first thought that punched through the fog in my mind. The second was that Bear was there, curled by my side, spilling off the couch. It was only after that that I realized I was sleeping on someone's shoulder. Stiffening, I squeezed my eyes shut and listened. Deep, rhythmic breathing moved his shoulders softly. The smell of rain perfumed the air around us, and only then did I remember where she was. Drake's house. Instantly I relaxed and lifted my head, moving away from him quietly.

I couldn't believe that we'd talked all afternoon; Drake was so easy to get along with, once he stopped with the egoism. For once, I'd slept without fear of the voices coming back. At the feeling of lost heat, Bear blinked his sleepy eyes up at me and yawned. I smiled and stroked behind his ears, which he responded to by placing his huge head in my lap.

"Oh you big softy," I whispered to him and kissed him on the nose.

It was hard to imagine what I'd ever do without him. I'd barely be able to handle it, not to mention more people would have the courage to approach me without Bear around, which could end up a double-edged sword. I wondered if Bear had been mine before I'd woken up on the dark street three weeks ago. Whether or not he had been, it didn't matter, he was mine now, and no one could take that away from me.

Dragging my attention away from the German shepherd, I slipped my phone out of my pocket and shielded the light from Drake with my hands. 

"Four a.m.?" I gasped under my breath.

How was this supposed to work? Somehow I had to get to the school, grab my car, go home, feed Bear, shower, change, get some breakfast, do my homework and get all the way back to school for eight o'clock. I bit my lip as I looked at Drake, fast asleep on the couch. It was my fault that he'd ended up sleeping there, and I couldn't just wake him up at four in the morning for him to take me to get my car back. That would be unbelievably rude, especially after all he'd done yesterday.

“Staring again? I know I’m handsome but control yourself, Blaise.” Drake muttered as his eyes flickered open.

“You wish I was staring at you.” I quipped, failing miserably at hiding the fact.

“What ungodly hour is it that you woke me up at?” Drake stretched and sat up.

“Just after four,” I replied flippantly. “And I didn’t wake you up, I was being quiet, thank you very much.”

“Four?” He shook his head and slumped back into the sofa.

“Hey! No you don’t,” Since he was already awake, it wouldn’t hurt to ask. I pulled his arm with as much force as she had, which didn’t make a difference. “We have to go get my car.”

“Now? Didn’t you hear yourself? It’s four. Four in the morning.”

“I know, but I have a lot to do before I get to school- I will not show up in your car with yesterday’s clothes on.”

“It’s not that bad.”

I rolled my eyes at the tired plea in his voice. “Let’s go, you owe me for wrecking my car on the first day.”

“Didn’t I repay you by taking care of you yesterday?” Drake rubbed his face blearily.

“No, you got to get out of school for one and a half periods- and kidnapped me instead of taking me home. I win.”

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