The Reminiscence

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Chapter Five: The Reminscence


When Harry stepped into the room with his trunk at his feet, he was hit with a blast of orange. The posters, the carpet, even the walls were orange. This was clearly not Ron's first time here. His temporary room was starting to look like his room at the Burrow, which was, to say the least quite......creepy. There is a limit to such things. Ron had clearly crossed the line a long time ago. When Harry finished unpacking his trunk, he put on a new pair of black trousers with a green shirt. I guess this isn't too Slytherin-like. I have to draw the line somewhere. Before coming to the Quidditch World Cup, Harry, Molly, and Ginny had gone on a very quick shopping trip (the latter albeit reluctantly) to buy some clothes. After all, the wizarding world's savior cannot just go around with school robes and muggle clothing that was old, torn, and 4 sizes too large. That day his mind had apparently been in 'Slytherin-mode', as he had named it. He spent plenty of galleons on trousers, socks, shirts, socks and more. Being the heir to the House of Black was not a bad thing as he saw the large vault, filled to the brim with family heirlooms, galleons, potions books and much, much more. Harry stepped out of the tent and walked over to Ginny who was chatting with the Twins. Harry had also bought Ginny some clothes as well, partly because she was his friend (in his past and present lives) and because it wasn't fitting for the former Head of Hufflepuff and a Founder of Hogwarts no less, to walk around wearing simple clothes. He had wanted to buy Ron and Mrs. Weasley clothes as well, but he feared that it would be a bit much. Oh well, there's always Christmas.

As Harry walked over to them, he was stopped by Ron who was wearing Fake Durmstrang robes and was looking quite odd.

"Hello, Ron."

Harry looked at him up and down quickly before asking, "May I ask where you acquired such...robes?"

Harry grimaced as he mentally face-palmed himself. He just sounded like a well-bred pure blood. Or at least someone with some decency, as he recalled the many times of seeing Ron's room a mess, with garments lying around in the most obscure places. He suddenly remembered seeing Ron's pants lying out on a scroll of his Charms essay and decided not to touch Ron's books unless he used 'Scourgify' on them. Ron had apparently missed the grimace and gave him a weird look.

"I got these robes from Seamus back in May. He said that he was coming to the World Cup as well but had an extra pair of robes that I could borrow."

He leaned over and looked around as if to make sure that no one was watching before saying "It'll look more natural if I'm wearing Durmstrang robes since that's the school that Krum goes too. I'll just look like a friend cheering him on."

Harry didn't know what to say. The plan was alright...for a Gryffindor. There were too many things that could go wrong and Harry quickly decided that he was going to sit away from Ron at the Match in case things get...steamy.

Mentally banishing the sudden image that came with the words 'steamy', 'Ron', and 'Quidditch' Harry simply nodded and clapped his friend on the back.

"Seems like a cool plan." Harry didn't know what to say, but as Ron opened his mouth, probably to comment on his recent weird behavior Ginny came over with a bright smile and said,

"Isn't this exciting? Getting to see a REAL Quidditch match, it's much better than our school matches." Ginny said brightly, though he did detect an underlying hint of fondness for their school. Knowing Helga, she was going to enjoy watching everyone having fun but will be fretting the whole time and would be having mini heart attacks every time someone got injured. She would be a mix between Professor McGonagall and Madame Pomfrey.

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