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Reject the notion that you must be pain-free to be whole. You are already whole. Grieve. Rage. Cry. Miss him. Allow it. All of it.
-Mira Hadlow

We pulled in back to where I had been last night. The old decrepit building where Luca had brought me.

"Do you live here?" I asked Mariano the moment we stopped.


I didn't like his vague answers. Not at all.

"Why are we here?"

He didn't reply, getting off the car. Luigi opened my door, silently, and I grumbled, getting off too. Mariano had already started walking, as if he knew I'd follow. I struggled to keep pace with him. He was taller, his strides longer than mine. "Wait up, Don." I called. He stilled, and I reached his side moments later.

"Its only Mariano to you." He said, "Or , signore, if you want."


"Sí, signore." I teased. He laughed, and threaded his fingers with mine. "Don't talk to anyone except me or Luca, okay?"

"And Alessandro, or Luigi?" I batted my lashes at him coyly.

"Luigi," Marioano thought for a moment, "You may, but not Alessandro."

I shrugged. "Sí, signore."

Mariano looked at me wide eyed. "You're weird." He told me.

"Yes, Luca said that too."

His eyes narrowed. "You're exceptionally fond of him."

"He's hot."

"He's forty three. And you're eighteen, Bella."

"What can I say?" I did an awkward hair flip. "Love has no restrictions."

"He's also married."

"Oh?" I fake gasped. Honestly, I had nothing for Luca. "My poor, poor heart."

Mariano's grip on my hand tightened. He pulled me close to his side, then put his arm around my waist. "Tesoro," he hissed, "I don't want any man's name to escape your lips. Capisce?"

"Okay, Don."

"Its Mariano." He reminded.

"But you just said no man's name. Shit! Are you a woman?" I yelled.

He blinked at me. "I have a dick. So, no."

"How do I know that you do?"

"You shall know very soon." He smiled roguishly.

I stiffened, feeling myself close off. After what had happened, it wasn't easy for me. I didn't let any man except Aiden touch me. I closed off if someone even hinted at sex. Mariano had been an exception, mostly. I had no idea why. His touch didn't send me wanting to run away. No. Even though he was very much manly, and oozed off male confidence, and seemed like a caveman, he didn't make me want to puke. No. With him, I felt, oddly safe. But not now, I didn't. How could I be so imbecile? Of course, I should've known he'd want sex.

Mariano seemed to notice that I had shut down. His grip on my waist loosened. "Its okay, baby." He whispered calmly, turning me, so that he could cup my face between his large hands tenderly. "Come back." He said, and leaned in, leaving a faint trace of a kiss on my neck. I shifted my gaze down. He tilted my head up so that I could look into his green, green eyes. He was so tall. "Come back to me." He whispered tenderly, and even though my mind was blank I made out that Mariano Rivera was being a softie.

I blinked, coming back to life. "I'm sorry about that. I - "

"No," he cut me off, "Its fine. I know."

I bit my lip, chewing hard, and nodded. He gave me a small smile, and took my hand again, leading me inside.

I hadn't noticed the building yesterday, overcome by my fear, but as Mariano led me inside, I took note of the dingy interiors. He led me through an alley inside the building that made it look uninhabited. We walked through and later he opened a door, and slightly pushed me in. It was like a secret annexe. Inside, it was a whole new world. There was the way leading to the room where I'd met him, and many more rooms. The door to one was open, and it looked like a bar inside. There were girls - dressed skimpily, most in lingerie, and men who wore dark business suits. It was a pretty large area. Before I had the chance to contemplate the interior further, we bumped into Luca.

"Hi Luca!" I said cheerfully.

"Hello, giglio." He replied back, grinning. "Don." He nodded, looking at Mariano. Mariano nodded back. "Luca," He drawled. "Get the message across - Isabelle is off limits."


"Hey!" I protested, just to spite him. "But the men here are sexy."

Mariano didn't spare me a glance.

"Sí, Don." Luca nodded, walking away.

Mariano turned towards me then. He gripped me face between his fingers. "What did I tell you outside, Bella?"

I gulped. He wasn't even yelling. He had a way of getting his message across.

"Not to take any man's name."

"And what did you do?"

I gaped at him. I was being scolded like a fucking child.

He crossed his arms over his chest. His muscles flexed.

"I said Luca's name." I said petulantly.

He nodded. "You disobeyed me."

"You're not my father!" I yelled.

We were standing in front of a staircase. A girl coming downstairs froze. Uhm..?

"Don?" She said softly. Seemed like I wasn't the only one who was afraid of him.

Mariano's eyes blazed, then he turned his attention to the girl. "Do you know not to interrupt me, puttana?"


She gulped, taking small steps downstairs. "I'm sorry, Don." She whispered. "I was just telling you that she's new. She doesn't understand our ways. Forgive her, please."

She stood beside me in a protective stance. She was wearing a red thong and a lacy bra. Why were all the girls here half naked?

Mariano laughed. "You girls stick together, don't you?" He said. "Its fine, Aria. She's not one of you. She's mine. I'll deal with her."

Did he just call me his?

"Oh." She gaped at him. "I'm so sorry to interfere." She looked at me this time, ducking her head.

"Its fine." I waved her off, finding all of this super weird.

She nodded, scurrying off.

I turned to Mariano for answers. "What was that?" I demanded.

He ignored my queries. "Listen, Bella," He snarled, "You will treat me with respect in front of my people. And otherwise too. I will not tolerate such disrespect. The next time this happens I'll throw you over my knee and redden your ass. Understand?"

My eyes widened, and I nodded vigorously in response.

Mariano Wolfe Lionelli Montefiore Rivera was an infuriating man.

I appreciate appreciation.

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