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That was love and it's an ache I still remember.
- Gotye

The club was throbbing with hard rock. It smelled like sweat mixed with expensive cologne. And, it smelled, vaguely, like gunpowder. The name of the club was The Nostra. I thought it was weird, as it sounded like something related to the nose. Landon explained that it meant 'the thing' in Italian. Too much of Italian. God.

Landon made me sit on a high stool at the bar - I'm too short for him, he's like 6', Mariano maybe is 6'2, and why is he interrupting my thoughts? - and ordered me a cranberry and vodka. Yes, I know its girly. Who cares?

Fel was off dancing with some chick. Landon sat beside me and sipped his beer, surveying the crowd. A bulky, middle aged man passed us. His eyes lingered on me for a moment. I shifted closer to Lan. His eyes narrowed, and he walked away.

"Do you want to dance?" I yelled into Landon's ear after my second drink, already a little tipsy.

He shrugged and stood up, offering me his hand which I gladly accepted as I struggled to get off the stool. He grinned and helped me. He had a nice smile - all gleaming and boyish charm.

On the dance floor, he held me by my waist, and we swayed to the beat.

"Do I look okay?" I asked him.

"Yes, you look beautiful." He smiled.

I hummed in response, leaning closer to him. Suddenly, Landon seemed...different. Maybe it was the alcohol in my veins.

"You didn't say that when you saw me." I blinked up at him, smiling coquettishly. His eyes narrowed.

"You're drunk." He stated.

"I know."

"I was mad." He sighed, and cradled my face between his hands, "Marijuana is bad news."

I giggled. "I'll tell him what you named him."

He laughed. "Yeah."

We danced for a while. Landon's hand shifted from my waist to my hip and I realised what I was doing. I stepped back quickly, bile rising up my throat.

"Hey, are you okay?" Landon ran after me as I ran out of the club, and began puking into the bushes. He held my hair in one hand, and used the other hand to caress my bare back. Landon's touch was soft, but this was rough - callused fingers on my skin. They were vaguely familiar to the fingers that had caressed my cheek yesterday. Mariano?

"Bella," He said coldly, affirming my thoughts, "What are you doing here?"

I coughed, then stood up, looking around for Landon.

"Where's Landon?" I asked. Mariano's jaw clenched, but he didn't answer. Handing me a bottle of water, he crossed his arms over his chest. I rinsed my mouth, thanking him.

"I came here with my friends." I told him. "Landon has..disappeared. And Felicia, his twin, is inside, I guess."

Mariano's eyes narrowed. "I own The Nostra. My men saw you dancing with a man. I can't say they were exactly...pleased."

"I am only your girlfriend when they're around. I didn't know The Nostra was yours." I snapped.

He nodded. "I know. Go look for your friend Felicia, I'll wait here."

I shook my head. "Landon must be around." I looked around, and noticed his car was gone.

"Or not." I muttered, then ventured back inside. Turned out Felicia was gone too.

"They're gone." I told Mariano, going back outside.

"Come," He said, "I'll take you home."

I nodded. "Thank you."

We sat in his card in an awkward silence. I looked out the window, counting the cars that passed us.

"How do you turn up everywhere?" I asked him. "Are you God?"

"No, Bella. I am not. " He rolled his eyes at me. "You are the one who came to my club."

I turned pink and he chuckled. "Can I take you somewhere?"

He thought I'd say no. I snorted, and was met with a raised eyebrow. "Yes."I said, and burst into peels of laughter. Mariano just looked at me for a second. "What's funny, Bella?"

"I'm sorry," I shook my head, still giggling, "You think I'd say no?"

"I told you, Bella, I won't hurt you. I promised." He said, sounding...agitated.

"No, I trust you," I told him softly, "I mean.. I'm so attracted to you. Why'd I say no?" The alcohol was getting to me.

"Bravassima!" He exclaimed, his eyes darkening. Only Mariano could make such a stupid word seem sexy. "You're attracted to me, mia bella?"


"You're good looking." I said, trying to be smooth.

He hummed in response, a smug smile on his face.

"I'm just saying, you have nice eyes. That's the only reason I like you."

No reply.

"I mean I don't like you! You're just hot! And you make me want to kiss you. That's it."

My blabbering was met with deafening silence.

"You're drunk, Bella." He stated finally.

"Not much." I grinned. "Kiss me, Don."

"Not when you're intoxicated."

"Incocktisated." I tested the word. "Does that have something to do with your dick?" I blinked up at him.

Luigi snorted from the front.

"No, Isabelle. It does not." Mariano gritted.

Oooh, Don was mad. I giggled. "You never call me Isabelle."

"I will when I please, Isabelle."

I glared at him. "I don't like it."

"Too bad, cara. Remember that the next time you piss me off." He growled at the end.

"Why are you mad?" I was, well, confused.

"I don't want you roaming around the streets drunk, Bella. Capisce? The next time I find you being careless, I will beat your ass till you cannot sit."

I shuddered at the thought. "Sorry." I muttered petulantly. "Hey, in novels they usually make love after the punishment. Will we do that?"

I was met with a roll of his eyes. "We'll see."


He hummed in response.

"Hey Mariano?" I whispered, suddenly everything had started spinning.

He hummed again.

"I think I'm gonna - "

And then I blacked out.

That's a short update. Vote and comment!

P.S. : I need a nice cover.

Mariano (Made Men #1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ