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It's a day never awoken, by which dawn was never broken. 

    That's my love for you. -         Gideon Lecray

I woke up alone. Mariano stood in front of me, all dressed up, looking dapper in his usual attire.

"Buon giorgio, Bella." He smiled.

"Good morning." I said, sitting up. "What's the time?"

"Eight forty four." He answered. "Get up, tesoro. I had Luigi bring you a toothbrush and some clothes. He didn't bring a top, so you can wear my tee shirt. Go and shower, okay? Then you can have breakfast and I'll drive you home."

"Thanks." I said. He was being so sweet. "Why are you suddenly being so good?"

A corner of his lips lifted. "Well you are my woman."

I giggled. "Sí, Don."

He shook his head. "I'll be back soon. I want you dressed for breakfast by then."

I gave him a mock salute. He laughed.

Mariano left, and I proceeded to sleep for five more minutes then made my way to the bathroom and had a nice, long shower. I used his soap, and now I smelled like him.

I wore the clothes he'd put for me on the bed. Luigi had brought me a thong and a push up bra too. Geez. I pulled on the jeans Mariano had put on the bed, then rummaged his closet for a shirt. No tees, again.

I heard the click of the door being opened. Oh fuck.

"Mariano!" I yelled. "Don't come in!"

But he already had.

Our eyes met for a second, and he proceeded to look me up and down. I was wearing jeans, but my top half was almost naked - except the weird bra that pushed my boobs up in an uncomfortable way. I turned away swiftly.

"Don't you know how to knock?" I hissed.

"I had locked the door from the outside." He informed me slowly. "Do you need a shirt?"

"Yes!" I growled. "You only have these shitty white shirts!"

He sighed. "I'm going to come over there, alright?"

I nodded.

He made his way to the closet slowly, under my glare, opened a drawer, and threw a black tee shirt at me.

"Thanks." I grumbled, pulling it over my head.

He sighed again. "Relax, Bella, its nothing I've never seen before."


He had the nerve to look amused.

"Go upstairs to the first floor. The third door on the left is the kitchen and dining hall. Get some breakfast. I'll join you later." He ordered.

I nodded.

"And don't talk to any men." He added as an afterthought.

As if.

I made my way upstairs, into the kitchen, and was greeted by the pleasant smell of brewing coffee. There were no men in the kitchen, but four women. Lucia, Aria and two others I didn't know.

"Hi." I squeaked as I entered.

Aria was the first one to greet me. "Hi, Isabelle."

I grinned at her. Lucia smiled at me and waved awkwardly. Aria, I noticed, wasn't wearing lingerie anymore, but a light cotton dress. The other two girls introduced themselves as Zita and Dani. Both were blonde, and had striking silver eyes.

"What do you want for breakfast, Donna?" Zita asked me.

I shrugged. "What's Mariano having?"

"Cornetto, coffee, and fruits."

(Cornetto - The Italian take on the French croissant, usually smaller, lighter, less buttery and slightly sweet, with an orange-rind glaze brushed on top.)

"Yes, I'll have that too, please." I said.

"Coming right up." Aria winked at me.

It felt awkward to just stand there and have them make my breakfast, so I offered to help. Zita and Dani rolled their eyes, declining politely. "You're Don's girl." They said.


"Do you guys live here?" I asked.

"Yes. A lot of girls do. And men too. The soldiers. The women take turns in the kitchen." Aria informed me.

I nodded. Soldiers?

I stepped behind the kitchen counter, and proceeded to cut the fruits, even after everyone told me not to.

"Mariano may be your boss," I told them simply, "But I'm not." All of them had smiled.

Just as I was going to cut an apple, Mariano entered. His eyes flew primarily, to me.

"What are you doing there, Bella?" He asked.

"Helping." I answered.

He pointed at me, then curled his finger. "Come here."

I scowled at him. "You could be polite." I said, my feet already starting towards him.

Zita snickered, but was silenced by a glare from him.

"Show some respect, tesoro, respect." He sighed softly, and trailed the back of his hand down my cheek. I felt myself warm at his touch.

"I need to call Aiden and tell him I'm safe." I told him as we sat down.

He smiled smugly. "I texted him from your phone last night."

I gaped at him. "Ass." I muttered.

"Sorry," He taunted, "I didn't hear you."

"I said you're an ass." I barked. He smirked.

Aria placed plates of fruit and cornetto, and a cup of coffee each in front of us. I smiled at her. "Thanks, Aria."

"Grazie." Mariano said quietly.

I bit into my cornetto first. It was heavenly. I loved it. Mariano quietly sipped at his coffee, reading the morning paper.

I moaned at the deliciousness, biting into it again.

Mariano looked at me, uncomfortably. "I wish you wouldn't moan, Bella."

"Sorry." I smiled coquettishly at him, batting my lashes. I was rewarded with a shake of his head.

I quietly concentrated on my food, and Mariano on the newspaper. I looked at him after a while, and his plate was, magically, empty.

"Can I get you anything, Don? Donna?" Aria asked.

"No." I and Mariano answered at the same time.

He looked at me then, and not so discreetly stole a slice of an apple from my plate. I looked at him blankly.

"Its a sign of ownership." He told me smugly.

I smirked at him, then reached out for his cup of coffee, and took a sip. His eyes widened, before he began laughing.

"Sei perfetta!" He said softly, between staccato bursts of laughter. " Così perfetto per."

(So perfect! So perfect for me.)

I rolled my eyes. I needed to learn Italian. Really.

The four girls grinned when Mariano said that.

"What does that mean, baby?" I questioned.

He shook his head, eyes twinkling like a little boy's, "Nothing, Bella. Nothing."

I finished my breakfast quietly while Mariano read the paper, and then, we were ready to leave.

Luigi was sick, so Luca offered to drive me, but Mariano declined. He'd drive me himself, he said.

He was taking fake possessiveness to a whole new level.

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