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News is okay. News has been acting better. The sun hasn't come up yet. The sun. Hasn't. It's very very cold. Eyes, I haven't spoken to you in a while. You comfort me, you let me know I'm safe. I've been gathering the "morning" dew as water though it's not...morning? And I've been finding berries. I know if they're good because I feed one to news and if he eats it, it's good, and if he spits it out, it's bad.
I haven't seen the creature things from earlier...I've had several dreams about them but everything is okay.
How have you been? I haven't seen you all in a while. You look very nice today, eyes. It's so cool, and pretty
What was that? I heard something. News heard it too. Oh my god, wait, is that the sun? IS THAT THE SUN! OH MY GOD! ITS SO BEAUTIFUL! THE SUN IS RISING! THE SUN IS RISING!! THIS IS WONDERFUL! MAYBE ILL BE ABLE TO FIND HELP!

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