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Eyes! I haven't talked to you in forever! Oh my god it's so great to see you! I have been trying to get a hold of you but nothing seems to be working.
I found a hill, a tall one without any trees on it. I got twigs and big leaves and I made a small hut for News and I. I like to follow News around and when he points to something, I follow. Well, he doesn't point, he just uses his snout to...oh you know what i mean. Anyways, i found a lot of apples? And they taste completely fine. The sun has been rising and falling normally. None of those monster things have come back, yet I have never ending nightmares of them. Please don't leave me, I'm so scared when I'm alone. Well, I have News but News only keeps me company for a little bit. Eyes, you tell me what to do and I'll do it. I need to find a place where people live and I just don't know what to do.
YOU you you you cont contro contr con con contro
It's getting awfully late...but you look really nice today, your eyes do at least. It's a shame that I don't know any of you personally, I only see your eyes, their colors and pupils moving along with what I'm telling you. I just want to g g g go gogo go hom h home home home
I got really cold, I'm going to go rest and cuddle up next to News.
I'll talk to you soon, eyes.

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