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You eyes are so right!! I should keep building! Hold on, I'll talk to you eyes when I'm done with the roof part! Haha, it's made of sticks and leaves. Okay I'm done! You don't realize this but that just took me forever! Wow! Your eyes look remarkable today! Now I'll go explore! Huh. Here's a funny looking leaf! Oh, there's a spot with no tre-
Oh never mind. It's fixed. Eyes, I like you. I really do. I feel like I can tell you guys anything! But sadly, I didn't exist before you started reading this, and now I'm going to continue to exist and there's no ending to it. Yeah it's sad and all but I guess that's okay! How do I know that? Uh. Know what? I didn't say anything. Anyways, news just barked! He says hi. I'm walking to the sunrise, that's how I'll figure out which way to go back to my house. Damn, there's only trees here. Big, tall trees. A few caves here and there. I need to find a water stream cause I'm sick and tired of sucking the morning dew off of things. Fuck. There's the smoke again. Smoke means monsters. Fuck I have to run. Fuck. I can't run. I CANT RUN.

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