Username Acrostic

126 23 13

I seem to have been tagged to do this one, an acrostic type thingy based around my username with various oddity springing from the vowels and consonants therein. 

Tuesday, 'cos that's the day of the week I'm doing this on for some reason.

How much is that doggie in the window? Possibly the most annoying song on the planet unless performed by a drunken man on the bus and his pet dog barking in perfect time to the tune (and yes this did happen, and is possibly the only time I've ever enjoyed a trip home on public transport).

Every time I sing along to a song in the car an angel dies - according to my children. 

Ook, the sound an Orangutan makes according the to late, great, Sir Terry Pratchett. 

Read. Read everything you can, you never know when it'll come in handy. 

Ambassadors. I started as one, and now I manage them for Wattpad full time. It's a role I love, and I am very privileged to be able to look after our wonderful volunteers.  

Non-Fiction, something I'd love to see more of on Wattpad, and something I need to write more of myself. 

Good coffee, a good story, and a comfy chair, what else can a man desire?

Uh... the ground state of Brian

Take time to look up occasionally. There's so much to see above your eye level, whether it be the sky, an interesting piece of architecture or a single shoe being used as a plant pot. 

Almost there...

Never give up on something you believe in. 

and tagging a few more folk to see if they'd like to join in OwainGlyn CottonJones BobJan70 CynthiaClampitt 

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