Scout 09

446 37 34

“This is Scout 09. Zat to mothership, sensors are down following atmospheric entry so initial survey will be based on visual only until sensors re-boot. Cloak active.

“The main lifeform appears to be metallic, and moves at some speed on round appendages. The creatures usually have four legs – if we can call them that - but some sub-species appear to have more, and they vary widely in size, shape, colour and markings. As far as I can see the species transmits information in the form of mobile parasites, or some secondary species, to various constructs that make up the information hubs on the planet. The sub-species may be a juvenile form of the larger creature, but they don’t look similar enough at this stage for that assessment to be conclusive, so for now ‘parasite’ seems to be an appropriate term.

“The creatures can usually carry up to five parasites and these seem to have designated points of exit and entry. At these exit points, the metallic creatures appear to go into a dormant state if all the parasites have left.

“Generally the creatures run on pre-ordained tracks which vary in width, with the major routes carrying thousands of them an hour. Smaller routes to information hubs of lesser importance are less well travelled, and we can only assume that the main hubs require more information and consume more parasites than the smaller hubs.

“Curiously, the creatures seem to have developed a dependence on hydrocarbon based sustenance, which is unusual, and their emissions appear to be noxious.

“The parasites seem utterly dependant on their hosts who shield them from harm, protect them from the weather and may even feed them somehow, this relationship will require further investigation.

“Sensors appear to be coming back online now.

“Oh. Shazzbat.”

“Please disregard previous communication.”

~~~ (Motor Car) ~~~

Another great little challenge from Challenge Corner. Details below:

"Your challenge for this round is to describe something without actually telling us what it is.

For example if you choose an apple, you'd be describing the feel, texture, taste etc. without saying "an apple is ..."

So, for your prompt: you're an alien come to earth, encountering the item for the first time. You obviously don't know what's it called and you have to relay information on your discovery to your mothership.

Your item can be anything from an abacus to a zebra, it's up to you.

You have up to 300 words in order to get enough information across. In brackets at the bottom of your submission, please include what your item is."

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