If things couldn't get any worse!

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Chapter 6

                I stumbled out of the room. I had to get away from all of this. I have to get away. What the hell have I done? I should have done something more. I should have tried to have been more obvious. Instead, two girls are in captivity being tortured as we speak. This is all my fault. These are two innocent girls who will have mates out their feeling the pain of their loved ones.

                It is sick. It is vile. How could they do something like this? How could I have let this happen? I am a sick person. I hate myself. I am vile. I am just like my father. I am as bad as him. I am a MONSTER. What have I done? I am not a kind person. Why do I fool myself? I am just like everyone of these rogues. I am a rogue. I am the Princess of the Rogues.

                Those poor girls. Those poor girls. I can already hear their screams from the inside. I shuddered. I had done this. I should have done something. Instead I watched as I they got taken. I saw the needles as they were pressed into their skin. I saw their wide eyes. I saw their tear stained faces. I watched as they were tied and bound. I did nothing. What kind of person does this?

                I stumbled through the forest and the tents. I began to run as fast as my feet could take me. I needed to get away from the screaming. I needed to get as far from here as possible. I needed to lock myself away. I crashed into the door of my caravan and pulled it open loudly before slamming it behind me. I threw myself onto the bed curling myself into a ball. I couldn’t cope with anymore of this crap.

                I was shaking. My breathing was erratic and the self-loathing I felt for myself at this moment was consuming me. I hated my life. I couldn’t take it anymore. I hated myself. I hated my life. This wasn’t a life. I have never had a life. I am sick of waiting for the day when my father would finally snap and kill me. I wanted this to end. I couldn’t do this anymore. I couldn’t take one more day like this.

                I didn’t want to live anymore…

                Bang! Bang! Bang!

                I shot up from my bed at the sound of someone knocking on my door. I quickly composed myself and rubbed the last of my tears away. I knew my eyes would look puffy and red but there was nothing I could do about that. I straightened out my clothes to make sure I was presentable. I walked as composed as I could up to the door. I pulled it open.

                Mike. It was Mike. I hated him so much. Why the hell was he here? He was smirking down at me from his extra height he had on me.

                “What the hell are you doing here?” I spat, I was in no mood for him.

                “Oh. I have come because your father has finally made good on our agreement. It had been in the plan for quite a while but now it is time to act upon it,” Mike smirked.

                “Like I care what you and my father plan in your little dungeon. Go back to the hole you came from,” I spat, before attempting to slam the door shut.

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