Only Happy When It Rains

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Sucking up my pride, I followed after him. He was at his locker, jamming things inside of it and seeing how many things he could fit in there without it falling out. He didn't have to turn around in order to know I was there.

"If you have some more insults to throw at me--" 

"I'm not here to insult you." I stepped forward. "I think you just jumped to the conclusion that I'm like my family." 

"Maybe because I'm right."

"But you aren't," I assured him. "If anything, I strive to not be my father or my step-brothers. You don't know the first thing about me. And frankly, I don't know a thing about you."

"It's a small town. I'm sure you could've learned all you needed to know about me by now, doll."

"I'm not talking about gossip." I shook my head. "Everyone has their own personal demons, lurking in their past. That's a given. And I'm definitely the last person to make fun of someone else's family."

Slamming his locker shut, he narrowed his eyes as he studied me up and down. "What do you know about demons, princess? You're an Ellington. Your daddy's a big shot lawyer and you live in one of the nicest homes in town. Your grandparents live in Winchester Hill, one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in California. So don't be shocked that I don't believe you've got any demons. Demons aren't in your vocabulary. Spoiled is though."

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