Loving A Vampire Chapter 7

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Loving A Vampire

Chapter 7

I sat there staring at my bedroom walls for a while, I was completely freaked out! I was snapped out of my trancelike state when I heard my cell phone ringing. I dug through the clutter on my bedroom floor and found it under some clothes. I checked the caller ID and saw that it was Abby. I didn't feel like talking but answered it anyway.

She wanted to come over and watch some movies, I couldn't let her see my room like this and I had more important things to do at this moment then watching movies. I made excuses telling her I was busy with homework and that I'm going out for dinner with my parents tonight. She didn't sound very happy but I'm sure she'll get over it.

I was still shaken up pretty badly but I decided that it was time to figure out what the writing on my wall meant.

The first thing I could make out was cryptic drawings. I took a closer look and realized that they were the same as the ones drawn on Kaleb's tombstone. I really had to figure out what they meant. The second thing I could make out was some sentences and words namely:







I ran to my cupboard jumping over the mess on my bedroom floor and took out the boxes filled with my grandma's books. I threw them out and started searching trough them until I found the one I was looking for. I recognized the black book with the red rose on the cover immediately. I sat on the floor between all the books and started looking through the pages hoping to find something.

There was a lot of spells but not one of them sounded like it could help me, I almost gave up when I turned the last page and saw the cryptic drawings. I read the words written below it. Bound by blood. I nearly screamed I was so happy to actually find something that might help me.

It was a binding spell, only a witch could set the spell in action and only a witch from the same blood line could undo it again. It explained that the drawings were signs used to represent life, death, hate, love, fear and hope by witches of the old art. The spell was directly aimed to bind creatures of the night to eternal graves. The witch performing the act would somehow have to get the creature in a grave, fill it with ground and then draw the sign of death as well as one of the other signs onto the ground. The sign has to represent why she would want to bind the creature to a grave for eternity, the same went for undoing the bind. A witch from the same bloodline would have to draw the sign of life as well as one of the other sign saying why she would want to undo the binding. When the signs are drawn the witch must let her blood flow into the them setting the spell in motion.

Wow! I didn't know what to think about what I just read. Why would my grandma have wanted to bind Kaleb to a grave for eternity? I didn't know the answers to any of the question flowing around in my head. All I knew is that I had the answer I was looking for the most. I knew how to free Kaleb and I wasn't going to hang around here a second longer. I ran to the kitchen still holding the book and grabbing the first knife I could find. For the second time that day I jumped into my car and sped away towards the farmhouse, the only difference is this time I knew what I was doing.

The sun was setting by the time I got to the farmhouse and a storm was brewing. I jumped out of my car and ran to Kaleb's grave. I could feel somebody watching, I knew it had to be Virgil but I wasn't going to let him stop me. I was sure he helped my grandma to bind Kaleb, I don't know why they did it but I knew it had to be undone.

By the time I reached the grave the storm had picked up and it was turning dark around me. The wind was howling in the trees, whipping around leaves and branches. I opened the book to the last page, knelt down on my knees and started digging the sign of life into the ground. At first I thought it would be impossible because the ground was so hard but as soon as the knife touched the ground it went in.

I heard an ear shattering growl not to far from me but didn't look toward it. I knew it was Virgil and he sounded really angry. I worked faster, finishing the sign of life and then without thinking I started carving the sign of love into the ground. The growl turned into an outraged scream and I couldn't help looking up this time. Virgil was standing a few feet from the grave an expression of pure hate and rage on his face.

"Don't do it Chelsea, please don't do it" He asked, the tone of his voice surprising me. He looked so angry but his voice sounded friendly and calm.

"It's already done" I said as I finished the carving and brought the knife up to my wrist.

"No!" I heard him scream as I felt the knife pierce my skin. All friendliness is his voice was gone replaced by pure anger and evilness. He lunged at me but came to a sudden stop at the edge of the grave as the first drop of my blood fell into the carving of life.

I pressed the knife harder and watched as my blood filled the sign of life and then started filling the sign of love. Virgil fell to the ground looking devastated, he turned his back on me and disappeared into the trees. I was confused by all that was happening but now was not the time to ponder about it. I pressed my hand over the wound on my wrist trying to stop the blood when the sign of love was filled. I felt lightheaded from loosing so much blood and I could swear I felt the earth moving beneath me. The blood started sinking into the ground and was completely gone within a few second. I felt the earth move again just as a lightning bolt hit right beside me.

I tried getting to my feet but I was way to dizzy so I crawled back until I wasn't sitting on the grave anymore. The storm was in full swing now with rain poring down and lightning hitting every few seconds. The wind picked up and was threatening to throw over some of the trees. The thunder was loud and the earth above the grave started shaking non stop. The two signs representing life and love that was carved on the tombstone turned a glowing red as the earth surrounding it exploded causing a downpour of mud.

I wiped away the mud from my eyes and opened them. I could never have prepared myself for what I saw. Kaleb was standing a few feet away staring directly at me with his piercing blue eyes. He was more beautiful then in any of my dreams of visions. He was amazing. I stared back into his eyes not able to look away from his beauty.

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