What If There Were No Volunteers?

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Chapter 1: Getting Ready

(Prim's POV)

I scream hysterically and sit up in bed, breathing heavily.

"It's OK... It was just a dream... I'm fine..." I say out load through deep breaths. My heart hammering against my chest, I sit there in a state of panic. Two words. Two words that would send me into a frenzy - and it wasn't even real!

Primrose Everdeen.

That's all it took. That was the fifth time that night that the Capitol's Effie Trinket called out my name for me to enter the Hunger Games. Each time, my older sister, Katniss, was there within seconds of my scream to hug me and tell me it was alright and there was no chance of my being reaped at my first reaping because my name was only in there once, but this time she wasn't. I looked out of the filthy window and saw it was morning - she must be out hunting with her best friend Gale again.

"Are you OK darling" mum asked as she hugged me. It felt like ten minutes had past, but in actual fact it was only a few seconds. I had crept into my mothers bed last night when it got too much.

"It w-was the s-same d-d-ream again" I stuttered in response, I was now reduced to tears.

"It's fine. You will be fine. What did Katniss tell you? You're name is only in there once and I would say that compared to most of the other girls, the odds are in your favor." She did a perfect Captiol accent at the end which made me chuckle slightly. She kissed my forehead and got up.

"Time for breakfast, I think and then we can get you ready" she smiled, but I could tell it was fake. She had told me many times how scared she was on the morning of her first reaping so she must be remencing... I dragged myself out of bed and ran my hand through my long, thick, blonde hair, which I had got from my mother. We ate in silence. Neither of us felt like speaking. We were too rapped up in our own thoughts.

"I will get some water for a bath if you want" my mother broke the silence. I nodded. Usually baths were a treat because, living in the Seam means that we arn't the richest, shall we say, but everyone had to make an effort on reaping day. After twenty minutes, I got into the ice cold water if the small bath. I really concentrated on making myself look spotless and make myself look beautifully clean. I poured water over my hair, trying my best to make it silky an shiny. Once I was done, I got out of the tub, dripping with water and rapped a towel around me before the shivering commenced. My mother had laid out my clothes on the chair but I haden't properly looked at them yet. I advanced towards them, intrigued. She had put out a beautiful ruffeled white top and a grey skirt that had loads of tiny white dots on it. I tried it on and observed myself in the mirror. It was the nicest thing I had ever worn. I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in" I called to the person on the other side. In came my mother.

"That outfit looks lovely!" she smiled "I have come to do your hair" She then proceded and did two French braids, either side of my head, in my, now dry hair.

"Oh Prim, you look beautiful" Several tears tumbled down my mothers face as she squeezed me tightly.


Hi guys! I hope you liked the first chapter of my fanfiction! I don't know how the rest will turn out but I'm hoping you will enjoy it! Please comment and vote if you would like me to continue!

Emma :) x

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