Chapter 3

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Katniss's POV: 

I glance down the corridor as soon as my mother has left me alone to have a bath - I just want to make sure Prim is OK... This will be a very scary time for my little sister and she needs all the comfort she can get, but I'm still not convinced that my mum is up to the job yet. After seeing a glimpse of Prim sitting in the kitchen talking to my mother, I allow myself time to get ready. The  ice cold water made me shiver when I stepped into the bath. I scrubbed myself down until I was pristine. I tried my very best to relax but terrifying thoughts kept creeping into my mind. Even though I had done this four times previously, that still did not change the increasing feeling that I will be picked. Also, what about Prim? I couldn't bare to watch her attempting to make it out of the arena alive - she can't even bare it when I take her out hunting! As soon as my arrow plunges into the animal that will be our meal, Prim runs over to it and starts shouting for help and tells me that if we run and take it back, we still might be able to save its life. I just couldn't imagine her in the arena. However, the most frustrating part of that sinario, is I won't be able to do anything to help - not now with the rule that you can't volunteer for your siblings place...

I climb out of the tub and dry myself off. I put on the dress the my mother laid out for me. It is a lovely blue dress that I recognise from old pictures from when my mum was my age - this must be the same one. 

"I'm ready" I call out blankly down the hall. This is followed by the quickly paced footsteps of my mother coming down the hall. 

"The dress - it looks beautiful on you!" she smiles as she enters the room. I don't react - I'm not very good a taking compliments. "I have a idea for your hair which I can do for you" We remain in silence as I stand in front of the mirror whilst she puts my thick, wavy, dark hair up in a complex pattern of braids. 

"There you go" She stands back and observes her work. My mother has always been good at doing myself and Prim's hair. I hug her - although she blanked out on us for ages, she is still my mother and I'm still scared. Without another word, I go into the kitchen to find Prim sitting down, looking out of the window. 

"Hey" I said soothingly as I sat down beside her. "I've got something for you." Prim turns to look at me with her bright blue eyes. I get out the mockingjay pin that the mayor's daughter, Madge gave to me this morning. 

"It's a mockingjay pin. So long as you have it - nothing bad will ever happen to you, I promise." I hand her the pin and she looks at me sadly before flinging herself into an embrace around me. Suddenly, the deep and fateful sound of the horn calling us to the square for the reaping sounds across the District...


I hope you liked Katniss's POV! 

The next part will be the reaping, so hopefully it will pick up after this! 

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Emma x

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2013 ⏰

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