Chapter 2

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Mrs Everdeen's POV:

There was a noice outside and the sound of Buttercup (Prim's cat) hissing evily. That could only mean one thing - Katniss was back. I let go of Prim and she looked up at me sadly. Don't cry, don't cry, I kept telling myself, it will just make things worse. 

"Oh look at you Prim!" Katniss exclaimed, beaming as she advanced towards her little sister and knelt down so she was smaller than her. I smiled, never in my life had I seen two sisters that were so close, and I felt a burst of pride that they were both my daughters. 

"You better tuck that tail in, little duck!" Katniss smiles and tucks in Prim's shirt that was hanging out of the back of her skirt. 

"I've laid something out for you too." I interjected. Katniss's smile was soon gone as she looked up at me. She got up, looking blamkly at me and followed me out of the room. I saw Katniss glance warily back at Prim who was standing in the kitchen alone. She didn't say a word as I got the bath ready for her. I think she dosen't trust me to reassure and look after Prim whilst she is away for twenty minutes to get ready for the reaping. I think she is worried I will zone out again, like I did when my husband died... I didn't mean to... It was so sudden and I couldn't cope... Katniss had to take matters into her own hands and look after herself, Prim and me until I got myself out of that mess. She has never fully trusted me since... I can understand why - I regret it still to this day and I told myself that I would never do such a thing again. She knows that my best friend was reaped and sent into the Games during the 50th Anniversary, but... she... didn't make it out. I think Katniss believes that I won't be able to cope because it will provoke unwanted memories... And it will. But I must not let it get to me. There are hundreds of girls and my daughters are only two out of those hundreds. However, a new rule was introduced several years ago, which was you can't volunteer at a reaping to take a siblings place. I don't really know why because the Capitol decided to do this, but I think it was a reminder that their power still remaines - it was just another of their sick plans... As Katniss keeps telling Prim, her name is only in there once so there isn't much chance of her getting picked and even though Katniss's name is in there 20 times, there are girls that I know that have had their names put in there many more times than that... Surely they won't get  picked... They can't... Not my daughters...  


Hey guys - sorry for the short chapter! I really wanted to do a Mrs Everdeen POV because I wanted to show what she might have been thinking and feeling because it isn't really shown in the books or the movie. 

Anyway, I will try and update regularly and with longer chapters from now on!

I know this a few days late, but Merry Christmas! :D I hope you all had a great time and enjoyed yourselfs and may the New Year be filled with happiness! :)

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Emma x

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