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AUTHOR NOTE: As of November 2016, the prologue from the expanded edition has been added. Posted chapters have been updated from the original to the expanded edition also. **Only an excerpt of the story will be posted.** Full book available at various retailers.

He saw the blood on his hands first—a deep maroon almost beautiful in the way it coated his fingers, glistening in the moonlight.

He looked down at himself—turning over his arm, checking his chest, and touching his neck to see where the blood had come from, and he saw traces of it on his shirt.

He almost panicked, wondering if he had been shot or stabbed and why he didn't feel any pain.

Then he began examining the rest of himself—his legs and his back.

It was the smell that got him—a rancid whiff from nearby.

His eyes finally rested on the obvious source of the blood that his still-foggy brain had trouble processing.

He studied the glassy eyes of the human casing left behind by a clearly departed soul, and the carelessness of the flung arm. All of the dead man's limbs were almost doll-like in their positioning, and the head was bent at an angle, away from the bloody wound at its neck. The midsection, where the man's intestines had once been safely contained, now gaped, and the intestines spilled onto the moonlit ground, lubricated in a deep crimson. The chewed ends clearly indicated that they had been partially eaten.

Derek put his hand to his mouth and felt something slick around it.

Blood, he guessed, and then tasted it and confirmed it.

But surely not from the body in front of him? Perhaps he had slipped and fallen? Right into the pool of blood surrounding the body before him?

Derek shook his head, trying to shake off the other possibility making its way to his consciousness.

No, no, no.

Why would he? He was no animal. And even if he had blacked out, wouldn't he remember some part of it? The initial encounter? The source or a remnant of the depraved desire that led to the mangled body splayed nearby?

Then it all began coming back to him...

Trapped (Part One) - BWWM Dark Romance - Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now