Chapter 1

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The trumpet sounds and I'm off. I grab an arrow from its sheath and pull it back on the bow. I look around the dense wooded area to get a view of things. I slow my pace down to a jog as I peer for any sign of life.

I continue looking around, getting more nervous by the second. In this game anything can happen. I walk around a large tree expecting something to pop out. I turn around and is met with snarling teeth. I look at the beast. It's top lip rides over the canine teeth, exposing long sharp teeth. The monster has scaly green skin that is rough and pulled tight over the bones. I look in the beasts pitch black eyes, seeing nothing but a cold heart. I pull my arrow back and hit the beast square in the chest. It falls to the ground with a thud. I look down at it. Still seeing its heartless eyes stare up at me I grab a dagger and slit his throat.

I put my dagger back in the cover and slid the bow onto my back. I walk through the woods looking for the prize. If I win it then my division is rewarded. I hide behind a tree as I see Shimmer on the other side of a stream. I pull an arrow out of the sheath and arm it on the bow.

I run swiftly across the stream when Shimmer's troops aren't looking. I run into the slightly less dense woods looking for the prize. I still have my arrow cocked back on the bow. As I near a hill I can see Shimmers division symbol staff. I lurk behind bushes until I'm a grabbing distance from the symbol. I run up the hill and grab the symbol before anyone realizes.

I sprint across the territory. And out towards my division territory. The words "get to your side ," are playing over and over in my head. I jump over the stream and into the division territory. Shimmer is standing on the opposite side of the stream. She is sending me dirty looks. I hold the symbol high in the sky to show my triumph. My division gives me high fives and fist bumps to show support. I head back towards the center of camp.

Leaving the woods behind me. I run out towards Chip the event leader. He sends me a quick smile and pats my back. As apart of the games I get to keep the symbol for a week until the next games. I head out towards my tent to get cleaned up. The camp is currently being built so we have to live in tents. I step inside my large tent, it's filled with all my major neccessites.

I walk over to my large mirror and view my reflection. I have long curly blonde hair and lightning blue eyes. If you stare in my eyes to long you might die. My hair is matted and tangled with dirt and leaves. I love the games but the make me look horrible afterwards

. I decide to go and take a shower. Grabbing my towel, washcloth, shampoo, and conditioner I head off to the bath house. Halfway there I remember that I forgot my clothes on my cot. I head back towards the direction of the tent and take the clothes off the cot. I go to the bath house and take a nice long steamy shower. I get out and dry off and pull my clothes on. I dry and brush my blonde locks. I pull my hair into a high ponytail and slip on dark gladiator sunglasses. I head over to the dining hall just in time for dinner.

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